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"You can sit here, Mrs Reagan will come at any moment." I smiled at the new witness in a case of me and Erin, the last one got killed by the suspect.
I sat down next to the witness, Sofia Babakov, as Erin, Danny and his partner came in.
"Thank you for coming, Sofia" Erin began.
"I told you, I didnt see anything" Sofia told her, afraid of what was going to happen to her.
"Come on Sofia, we know that Dancos crew was in the house for about 30 minutes. Even Neighboors heard the screaming and gun shooting. You want us to believe you didnt see anything?" Danny said, being the unsensible person he is.
"Look sofia, what detective Reagan is trying to say is that maybe you know something now you didnt before" Dannys partner sat down next to sofia,trying to make a bond.
"I know you're scared Sofia, Danco hurt a lot of people and hes gonna continue doing so unless someone does something about it. And right now you are the only person that can put him behind bars." I spoke to the young women.
"But in order to do so we need the truth." Erin continued.
Sofia thought about it for a while, I sent her a reassuring smile.
"I heard them break throu the backdoor, I came downstairs" Sofia stopped for a second"Its okay sofia" I smiled at her, telling her it was okay. She continued "just as they shot Mrs.Sozrovski, they put a gun to her head and killed her" Sofia told all four of us with her voice shaking.
"So you saw Mr Denco shoot Mrs Sozrovski?" "Yes" Sofia nodded.
"The detectivs are gonna stay with you Sofia, they'll protect you until you testify"
"We're going to keep you save." Dannys partner said.
"Just like Mr.Sozrovski?" Sofia asked being curious.
I looked at the young woman next to me and squezed her hand slightly "You are in the best hands sofia. Nobody is going to hurt you or your family okay?"
Sofia thought for a while and then sighed. She looked at Danny and nodded.
"Fine but only if shes coming with me." Sofia motioned to me.
Danny looked at me."I think we should talk outside about that. You stay here?"He looked at his partner who nodded. Me and Erin stood up and followed Danny outside.
"I can't keep the two of you safe"Danny immediately said as soon as we closed the door.
"Well but thats the only way we have so that she will confess in court. And I do not need you to keep me safe, I do can take care of myself alright?" I told Danny.
"Can you shoot with a gun?" danny asked me. "Well I have a gun lisence so I guess I can."
"You have a gun?"
"Well my father once gave me a 45, even though I never used it."I answered Danny who now looked at Erin.
"What do you actually think?"
"Well shes old enough to decide something like this by herself and I do trust her that she can take care of herself." Erin defended my opinion.
Danny just sighed.

We were now in the melrose hotel, some cheap unknown hotel, and danny, his partner,whos name I still dont know, Sofia and me went into room filled with a few people.
"Seargent" Danny spoke up as an older man, probably in his fourties or fiftys, turned around "Yeah?"
"Sofia, our witness." Danny introduced Sofia.
The seargent introduced himself to Sofia "We are going to take good care of you."Afterwards he introduced the other Detectivs in the room.

Danny was outside the room talking with someone while his partner, Sofia and I were inside the room, sofia was sleeping. Detective Curatola went out to Danny. I stayed in the room with the sleeping Sofia while the two detectives were talking in the living room. I stood up from the chair as soon as I heard a knock on the frontdoor. AS soon as I was on the door of the room I saw Danny opening it, watching first if the visitor had a gun somewhere with him. Detective Curatola now stood beside me. Sofia joined us watching that guy working on the air conditioner.
Sofia complained that the room was still hot and she couldnt sleep, Detective Curatola told her that we were about to fix it and she should stay back with us. Danny started a conversation with the guy
and as soon as the guy opened the air conditioner  I gulped.
"Sofia go get your bag alright? Now." I whispered to the young women behind me. Sofia and Detective Curatola looked at me in confussion, but instead of answering I nodded inthe direction of the gun which was hidden inside the air conditioner.  Danny seemed to have seen it now too. He got his gun out while me and Sofia  went to get her bags.

We soon went out of the apartment  still looking if there were more of Dancos people. We made our way to Detective Curatolas place, since it was the closest.

Me and Sofia were sitting on the couch, I watched her drawing, while Danny talked to his Seargent to tell him that there was a leak in the task force and then joined Detective curatola in he kitchen. Danny wet away leaving us three alone.
"This looks amazing Sofia" I told the young women who was drawing a picture of a forest. Curatola joined us and she was amazed as well. Sofia told us that those were the woods behind her mothers house and that she named all the trees when she was little.
"So you think you go back back there after all this?"Curatola asked. "Maybe. If I'm still alive"Sofia answered. "You wont die sofia alright? You'll be alive. And your family as well." I told Sofia.

Me and Curatola were pulling out the food  as Sofia rushed to us, taking her bag and then headed towards the door.
"Sofia what are you doing?!" "Dancos guys found my mother in Russia, Police had to put her somewhere else. I need to go. I need to be in court on monday but I have to go now."
"But you cant testify from another country." Curatola explained trying to stop her.
"Sofia, look Danco did the same to Sozravski, he treathened his children and as soon as he came out of hiding Danco killed him. And he will try to do the same to you if nobody is there to protect you alright?"I told her.
" So I should let this man kill my mother?" Sofia cried.
"The authorities will protect her." Curatola reassured Sofia.
"You dont know that."
"But we do know that if you leave they'll kill you before you get to your mother or to the airport." I told her again.'
"My aunt told me do not get involved."Sofia continued heading to the door.
"But you got involved because you are strong and you are brave and you are tired of rnning from mens like Danco." Curatola stopped her.
"The only way he wins is if you leave."I told the young woman and she began crying, dropping her bags to the ground.I embraced Sofia in a hug telling her its okay.

Curatola and I watched Sofia sleeping as Danny came out the bathroom,shirtless might I add(didnt even look bad), asking Curatola for a shirt who leaded him into another room. Danny went away again to find out whos the leak on the task force.

Sofia was up again and was finishing two drawings as Curatola told her to get sleep. She stood up "what do you think?" she asked us while showing us both drawings. One was of many mountains and the other one was of a lake in the woods.
"Those are beautiful." Curatola and I said the same time.
"They're the mountains near my village and this is the lake in the woods behind my mothers house. I want you two to get them." She handed me the one with the lake and Curatola the other one.
"Oh god thank you." Both of us hugged Sofia.

On our way to the trial we did have quiet a few problems, as in we got into a shooting ,but we did make it safe and sound to the court.

And this time there were no killed witnesses,just a murderer who finally got what he deserved.

1423 Words

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