14: a favor

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"Yes hello?" I picked up my phone.
"Hello mrs...Rose. It's Henry, Henry Reagan".
"Oh hey, what can I do for you?" I was surprised that he had called.
"I wanted to ask you for a favor."
"Sure what is it?"
"I would rather discuss this in privat, do you have time later today?"
I nodded and then I remembered he couldn't even see me. "Yea, i could meet you at 8pm?"
Henry told me the place of the cafe he wanted to meet me in.

"You want me to represent Danny?" I was shocked by what Henry told me. Danny was found with 2 kilos of cocaine in his car and now Henry Reagan wants me to represent him?
"A wise woman once said when you need to hire a shark make sure you get the greater void." He just answered.
"That somehow sounds like Erin."
"She used a couple of other words I won't repeat."
"So why isn't she asking me?" I questioned him.
"She doesn't know about this and I don't want her or anyone else to know about me doing this."
We looked at each other for a while staying silent.
"So will you do it?"he then asked.
"I'll need to contact a couple of people to see if I can take this case ,if not I'll give you a heads up. But I doubt there will be a problem. Where's Danny now?" I asked whilst standing up.
"He's in the district probably already talking to internal affairs." Henry told me.
"Then I will head there and have a few calls on the road." I gently smiled at the men on the table.
On my way to the district I've had a few calls to the authorities and as I thought it was no problem for me to take Danny's case. When I got to the district Danny's Sargent led me to the room he was in being questioned by the internals. I got inside the room. I looked at Danny first.
"Danny, don't say another word" i turned to the other guy.
"Rosanna Talbot, I'm with the district attorneys office and I need to speak with my client."
The guy stood up and left the room. As he closed the door I sat down across from Danny.
"Wow" Danny mumbled.
"How you doing Danny?" I smiled.
"Not too good if I need someone like you to come down here and represent me." He sighed.
"Let's get to work?" I saw Danny's worried expression and gave him a kind smile. "I'm sure it'll all turn out good"

Danny and I had talked to a judge in the courthouse and as we got out the building we met Erin on the street.
"I must be going crazy because if I didn't know any better I'd say my partner ditched work with me to represent as my brothers Defence attorney." Erin walked up to us.
"As if you didn't know." Danny said.
"Erin didn't hire me." I told Danny.
"Well she's not lying, I didn't know" Erin informed him and both looked at me.
"Well then who did?" Danny asked.
"Let's just say, somebody that cares about you."
Erin looked at her watch "well I better get going, I'll see you later." And then she left.
"Do you need a drive home?" He nodded so I drove him to his place before I got to that wojoik place where Danny was in the time of the arrest, I thought I would ask him if he saw anything.
I got into the place, cakes and other sweets looking at me from everywhere.
"Hey, I'm sorry, are you wojoik?" The middle aged men nodded at me.
"A friend of me, Danny Reagan, he got this cake last Tuesday night from here and it tasted so good but I totally forgot what it was named. Do you happen to remember which one it was?" I gave him a desperate look and he was about to answer me when a familiar voice cut him off.
"Hey mr wojoik."
"Jamie Reagan, long time." He didn't even seem to notice me and mr wojoik also forgot about me.
"Yeah, how you've been?"
"Good,busy, what can I get for you?" Mr wojoik obviously felt uncomfortable talking to Jamie.
"I'm sure you've heard about last Tuesday I just wanted to know if you saw anyone suspicious outside before or after Danny was here?"
Mr Wojoik hesitated a little before answering "Who?"   L
"My brother, Danny, he was here."
"No,no I haven't seen Danny in many years." He tried to walk away from the conversation.
"What do you mean? He was here Tuesday night" they kept arguing but mr wojoik stayed with his story. After a while he literally walked away ignoring Jamie who was calling his name.
"Hey,hey,hey did someone get to you? Threaten you and made you change your story because my brother was here and you served him."
Mr wojoik eyes filled with guilt but he shook it away.
"Are you calling me a liar?" He said silently. Then he got louder.
"Are you calling me a liar? Because no one calls me a liar in my store." He definitely raised attention.
"Just listen.." Jamie tried to calm him down but he got interrupted.
"It's my store..." I pushed myself between both men.
"Jamie, get out and mr wojoik please calm down." Jamie stayed still.
"Jamie get out of here,now." I looked him into the eyes. "Please Jamie." He hesitated but then left.
"I'm really sorry about this mr wojoik. I'm with the district attorneys office and I obviously heard your story. Would you stick to that story if this case comes to court?" I asked him.
"This isn't a story, it's the truth!"
"Ok, sorry for wasting your time sir, have a good day" I smiled and then left.
When I got outside I saw Jamie leaning against my car.
"What the hell did you think were you doing in there?!" I asked him furious.
"I'm trying to help Danny out!" I rolled my eyes and got into the car, Jamie just jumped in as well.
"What were you doing here anyway?" He asked me as I started my car.
"I was doing my job! I'm representing your brother." It was completely silent for a minute or two.
"Look Jamie, I got that you want to help your brother but this is the completely wrong way, you can't just go and talk to a witness." I told him with a soft voice. He just nodded. And again it was silent.
"I'm sorry.." I admitted.
"What for?"
"I was acting like a complete bitch towards you the other day... I was slightly wasted and it..." I gulped. "...it was my parents death anniversary and then next thing I know is that you find out about my dead brother..." I told him, trying to hold back the tears.
"I didn't know.." he said silently.
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm used to pushing people away when I start getting attached to them because everyone I cared for or even loved eventually left and I don't want that to happen again. I'm just... afraid that you'll leave, too because I think that I'm starting to fall for you.." I turned to him for a second and I was so glad to see he didn't look at me with pity but rather like he understands.
"Thank you." I said. "For not looking at me with pity."
"I'm not leaving you, Rose" he told me and took my hand.
I dropped Jamie off at his place before I got to mine.

Later that day I received a call from Danny, it was probably 10pm or something, that he had some info he'd like to share with me.
When I got to his place Danny let me in. I sat down on the couch whilst he closed the door and sat down on the other couch.
"I'm telling you, whoever it is, is on the job. It wasn't my car in front of the house the day my gun goes missing. This guy knows my every next move. Who else could it be?" He sounded upset.
"Well it wasn't the guy who pulled you over , I checked him, not a whistle. " I informed him.
"Well if it's not him it's another cop."
I nodded. "What about your partner? How well do you know her?"
"Kate? Well I've worked with her for a few months, she's alright. Why?" He asked me with a confused look.
I shrugged. "Would you consider it to be her?"
"Cmon rose.. I'm paranoid enough as it is. You want me to start running around, thinking my partner is involved in this?"
"Everything is on the table, Danny." I gave him a soft smile and he started to think about it.
The door opened to reveal Linda and the boys.
Both me and Danny stood up.
"Hey Rose." The boys smiled at me "hey guys." I smiled back when I saw jacks blue eye. "Woah... how does the other guy look?" I asked.
"You alright, kiddo?" Danny asked.
"I just ran into a locker. Coach looked at it, he said it's fine. " jack told us.
"He's a klutz" Sean commented.
"Noo... I got a black eye playing hockey when I was his age. " Danny informed his sons.
"You did?" Jack was pretty surprised. Danny nodded.
"Yeah he did, then he went around school and had all the girls kiss him until he felt better." Linda commented.
"Eww..." Sean answered to that.
"Eww is right." Linda told him. "Come on let get your gear off".
When they went up I turned to Danny. "No offense but I'm gonna take a closer look at your partner. " I told him before I left.

The next day I spent digging into Danny's partners life. Danny informed me about his chat with his partner and how she surely wasn't the one they were looking for.
Later that day Danny and his partner called me over to the precinct because they were sure to know who it was. Danny and the guy from internal affairs were in the questioning room whilst I stood on the other side of the glass watching the whole thing.
Let's just say Danny proved his innocence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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