13 Moments of Fame. (a/n)

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Hey guys. As you saw this is not a chapter. I was voted for 13 questions by ElvenArcher0106 . I never done this kind of thing before so I apologize if its bad.

So these are the rules.
1. You must post all the rules.
2. Each person must share 13 things about themselves.
3. Answer all 13 questions asked of you and invite 13 new questions for those you have tagged.
4. Tags 13 people.
5. You have to legitimately tags 13 people.
6. You can NOT say you "don't do tags."
7. Tag backs are allowed
8. You must do a journal entry
9. You must finish within one week
10. Be creative, don't just do something like "I got tagged"

1. I have a little brother, 2 years younger than me.
2. I'm 16 years old.
3. I've been driving a four wheeler since I was 6.
4. I play volleyball for a club called Northern Lights.
5. I didn't like reading books until I found this app.
6. I love to draw!
7.My favorite series of book would have to be Percy Jackson.
8. Favorite movie is Rise of the Guardians. I'm a kid at heart.
9. I'm shy when you first meet me, but when you get to know me you will think I'm a lunatic. In a good way.
10. I have two cats named Buddy, and Luke.
11. I played soccer since I was four.
12. I shoot a bow.
13. My favorite animal is between a wolf or an american kestrel.

Questions asked of me.
1. What's your favorite food?
-Steak and potatoes
2. Do you like British TV shows (which ones)?
-Never watch them
3. What's your favorite band?
-Too many to count but if I had to pick 2 then 'three days of grace' or 'green day'
4. How tall are you?
5. If you had a sixth sense, what would it be and why?
-Being able to locate thingI i, or anyone lost in an instant. I loose quite a bit of stuff
6. Have you ever travelled outside of the country you live in, where?
-No I have only been in the US, but I would like to travel to Greece.
7. What is one thing you are most obsessed with?
-Have to be TMNT, teenage mutant ninja turtles for those who don't know.
8. Do you play a sport?
-Play volleyball, played soccer.
9. Have you ever read the Legend series by Marie Lu?
-never read it.
10. If a man in a bow tie appeared in your bedroom inside a blue police box that was on the inside and asked you to travel with him in any place in space or time, would you go? (Why and where would you go?)
-why not, it would be interesting and I wouldn't care where we went. I would just be along for the ride.
11. If Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton became president of the United States, would you move to Canada with me?
-Just let me pack my bags then we're off! *points dramatically to the sky*
12. Do you speak a foreign language?
-if 10 years of Spanish counts... Then no
13. Imagine a world with no technology, how different would you be?
-I think I would be drawing more and just bothering my family more.

Questions for you
1. If you could travel to any country where and why? (You can choose to stay in your country)
2. What is your favorite movie?
3. If you could change one thing in the past, what would you change? (Anything in general that you would change.)
4. If you died, and were a ghost. What is the first thing you would do?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be? Why?
7. What's your dream job?
8. Do you watch any anime? If so what's you favorite and why?
9. Who's your favorite singer?
10. Its your last day to live, what would you do/ say?
11. Do you play any sports? If so what?
12. What's your favorite season? (Weather)
13. If a murderer was chasing you, what would you do? (And don't just say beat him to a pulp of anything like that. Give me an explanation)

And the lucky people are *drum rolls*

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