Chapter 16: Death!?

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Ok guys! I promise to finish this book by the end of the summer no matter what!!! Just to imform you guys, this is a short chapter. Well anyways...

After Grim finished explaining Abigail's and his story, they heard a noise coming towards them from the direction of the town. They took a stance, but then saw a little old lady with a child holding one of her hands and flowers in another.

"What's going on?" North asked Grim as the lady knelt down to the child's height and gave her the flowers. The child took the flowers and walked up to the statue. Placing them down, she ran back to the old woman.

"Do you think she's still watching over us, grandma?" Asked the child.

"I most certainly believe," the lady took a breath, "the fox spirit is always watching over our town. Do you want to know a secret? If I tell you, you have to promise to keep it a secret. Ok?"

"Ok grandma."

"The kitsune that guards our town, that keeps everyone safe, and also spreads joy around the world; used to be our relatives baby sitter. You heard the old stories about the girl who saved the kids and became our protector right? Well I was able to meet her. She is a kind soul, and I know would never give up on us or the world."

"Really grandma!?!"

"Yes. Now it's getting late. We must get going."

"Ok grandma!" the child ran up to the statue, hugged it and said thanks, then ran to her grandma.

"I didn't know there was a place so full of believers!" Tooth exclaimed in awe.

"It's always been like this. The people in this town believe so fully in Abigail, that it is almost impossible for her to lose strength," Grim explained.

Just then they hear a rustling in the woods next to them. First they exchanged worried glances then Sandy took the first step towards it. He looked back for support then pulled back the branches of the bush....

(Ok guys. I was going to end here, but then I realized how short this chapter would be so I decided to continue on. 😊)

Sandy pulled back the branches of the bush and Bunny immediately took action.

"Tooth find bandages! Sandy find a soft place to tend to the wounds! Jack I'm going to need you to help stop the bleeding! North help me move her!" Bunny yelled.

"Is there anything I can do?" Grim asked with concern.

"No! You're the spirit of sickness and sadness! You'll only make things worse!"

With those harsh words from Bunny, Grim scowled with anger, but in his eyes shown hurt. He was hurt that he could do nothing to help. With a deep breath, the well dressed spirit disappeared into a cloud of green gas.

Bunny didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but what he said was true and because of the situation of the person in front of him, he couldn't control himself. He just snapped.

"Bunny, we can't do much here. We have to get back to the pole so we can provide better treatment!" North yelled.

"Ya ok," the worried rabbit answered.

North was able to call his reindeer, and everyone loaded onto the sleigh, even Bunny joined with no resistance. Taking the reins, North sent a powerful wip through the reins, then with a jolt the group was flying.

During the ride back, Bunny was left in back sitting over the injured. Tears swelled up in his eyes.

"Please be ok. You can't leave me. Not again. Please Abagail, I need you..."
And there you have it people the end!
Jk that's just cruel. Next will be the last chapter so I'm almost done! Anyway vote, comment, and share. Get my book out there!

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