Chapter 6: The Horrifying Truth

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After the game of hide and seek, the gang went back to the house. "So is there any other cool things you can do?" Tooth asked. The guardians all sat around Abby waiting for her answer. Abagail smiled and opened her mouth to speak, but shut it and her smile faded just as quickly as it appeared. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed on the floor.

The guardians were freaking out for they had no clue what was wrong, or what to do. They all frantically called her name not knowing if she was able to hear.






North picked her up and headed towards the tunnel. Abagail was drifting in and out of consciousness, until North told Sandy to put her to sleep. He did and they made their way back to the sleigh.

Abby's P.O.V

We had just made our way back from my little game of hide and find. The Guardians were laughing the whole way. I took pride in that, knowing I was able to do my job. Even the guardians deserve some time to cut back and have a laugh.

But there was one thing still bothering me. My arm from the battle earlier still hurt. That was weird, because after all my battles with Grim I came back here and immediately went to one of my waterfalls. But contrary from what you might think this was no ordinary waterfall. The water glows purple and with that it can heal any illness.

In my line of work people might wonder why I don't use this water on others, but unfortunately it only works on spirits.

I showed the guardians into my house again, and directed them to the table. Thats when Tooth turned around full force and asked me, "So is there any other cool things you can do?" I smiled at her. She was just so full of energy and... joy.

I was just about to answer her question when a burning pain shot from my arm to the rest of my body. I couldn't bare it, the pain was excruciating. I started to see spots, then my vision kept going in and out. Everything around me was so loud. I couldn't concentrate, there was so much noise. Then four voices broke through...





I opened my eyes a little to see all of them crowded around me. I felt two arms pick me up, bridle style, then a hand on my forehead. That's when it all went black...


Finally the guardians made it back to the sleigh with the now asleep Kitsune. They hopped in no questions asked, not even Bunny. North gave the girl over to Bunny and Sandy, then went to drive the sleigh.

Bunny and Sandy tried to see what was the cause of her sudden condition. But the more they looked the more frustrated they got. There was no sign of any injury on her, except for the cut on her arm.

The dream sand that was floating around Abagail's head was first a distorted picture of five figures chasing after a sixth. But changed abruptly into nightmare sand as Abby cringed. She kicked and punched at the air to get the nightmares away, but nothing worked.

Finally they landed at the pole and raced the fox spirit into a spare room. The guardians crowded around Sandy and Abagail to see the diagnoses, but Sandy had no clue. In despair they decided to have rotating shifts on who would keep an eye on her so that she wouldn't be alone. They would switch everyday until Abby woke up.

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