Chapter 17: The End

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Hey guys! As I said before this will be the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed this book, it really means a lot to me that you even read it. Ever since the movie 'Rise of the Guardians' came out, I couldn't get enough of it so I just had to write my own story.  If this story was offensive to anyone or similar to any others books, sorry, but really I got this idea before I started reading any Wattpad books and from a dream I had after watching it one to many times... ok or six. Well anyways thanks for putting up with my tardiness for updates and overall laziness and I hope you like this. Oh and one last thing, the song can be played as soon as you start reading. Really I just love the song, and it's a sad chapter so ya.
                       (3rd person)

It's been five days since the catastrophe with Pitch and also five days since the Guardians had found Abagail lying unconscious in the woods by her hometown. The Guardians were still confused how she got there in the first place, but wouldn't push it.

Pitch was not seen after that, and nether was Grim. The Guardians felt a little bad about how they left things with him, but for the time being, they had other things to worry about, aka Abby.

They were all worried. Questions floated around like 'What if she never wakes up?' and 'Can the world really survive without the joy she brings?' But even with all the confusion and worry, they all still had jobs to do.

Sandy had left for Canada to spread his dream sand to the sleeping children, but he promised to return right after so he could help watch over his friend. Tooth had set up shop in an isolated room, far from the noise of the yeti's working and the elves... whatever they did at the Pole. North went to his corridors to be alone, pondering what has happened recently and making new toys to keep his mind off the hardship his friends had to endure.

Bunny was hit the hardest. He stayed at the pole huddled up in dozens upon dozens of blankets, and sat on the window sill staring up at the sky, questing Manny's motives for all this, or even if all this was his plan. Tears cascaded down his cheeks, some gliding across his whiskers. He just hoped she would be alright. To be able to see her smile again. That smile that was so full of joy but also mischief. He could not bare to live without seeing that smile ever again, he yearned, no required her smile. It was his new necessity, like food and water. He could not live without it.

Jack was not fairing any better.  He roamed the halls of the pole like an earthbound spirit (which he was), head down, eyes crestfallen. Some of the elves tried to cheer him up, but only resulted in them being frozen to the spot or pushed out of the way by Jack's staff. He wandered deeper into the maze of halls, getting lost in the dreary mood he was in.

He kept walking until he came to a familiar door. It was red like all the others, and like the others it held a plaque. But the difference was it read 'infirmary' on it. The door like most others was masterly crafted and the designs were so surreal, it looked like they were about to jump right off the door. But Jack could not fully admire it's beauty, for what it held inside.

He felt the urge to break down and slam his fists into the wall, to let himself be consumed by the sadness of the situation, but he knew he had to stay strong. If not for himself, but for Bunny and the rest of the Guardians. Jack then turned away from the door and continued to walk around the lower levels of the workshop.


Another few hours had passed and all the Guardians sat in the globe room. All except for the winter spirit and their injured friend. Jack still roamed the lower levels of the workshop, passing the occasional elf with a plate full of cookies, which may or may not had been already eaten and spit back out.

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