Chapter Eight - A Shakey Ride.

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As the trio queued up, Helga looked up at the ride. It was the Cheese Wheel from the Cheese Festival but the Winter Fair had obviously bought it. They repainted it white and stuck some tinsel, stars and balls on it. Even though it was a slow ride, some of the seats were very old and tended to shake  a lot.

She grinned to herself

"Perfect! Lila gets sick on things that move too fast or too much. I'll simply find out which ones shake too much and tell Lila to sit in them. She'll be so scared and Arnold will get the blame!"

She smiled sweetly as she tapped Arnold on the shoulder while Lila was distracted. Arnold turned around with a blank expression while she said "Hey Football head, since some of the carts are quite old and shake a lot, I can go and ask which ones do so that Lila won't get sick again"

Arnold narrowed his eyes, clearly suspicious "Why?"

Helga kept her cool as she clenched her fiats and held a smile "Well I know this is a slow ride but the carts do tend to shake a lot! Phew! Believe me, if Lila ends up in one of them carts, she's going to be sick"

She pointed at Lila as Arnold starred at her. She was starring at the reindeer and the little children feeding while giggling. Arnold was concerned about her so he said "Fine, Helga. Find out which carts will remain still and then I'll tell Lila and we'll sit her down before anyone else can"

She put her thumb up as she exited the queue. She rubbed her hands and cackled.

She climbed up the metal stairs and peeped into the room with all the controllers in being monitored by a grumpy, skinny man with a big unibrow and a frown.

She knocked on the window while yelling "Hey Bucko! Wake up!"

He quickly turned his head and groaned. He stretched out before opening the window and snarling at Helga "What do you want!? No skips!"

Helga bared her teeth and clenched her fist but remained calm as she glared back "Listen Bucko! This ride is not scary enough! Now, which carts are the most shakey and swingy because I want to be in that seat!"

He leaned forward and replied "Not scary enough, eh? Well, well, well it's not Dino Land, kid!"

Helga snapped "I know! Look, tell me which ones are the worst?"

He crossed his arms and looked Helga dead in the eye "Fine! Carts number 2 and 7 do but if you really want to get a thrill" he smiled big "Cart number 9 just shakes and swings and you almost feel like your going to fly out! You happy now?"

Helga smiled and nodded before hopping off while the guy growled and slammed the window back over. Checking his watch, he needed to stop the ride in 2 minutes.

Helga ran back and went back to the space in the queue. A few people glared and snarled as they thought Helga was skipping. She pushed them over "One side, morons! I'm with others!"

She went back and Arnold asked "So which carts?"

Helga smirked before saying "He said if you want to take it nice and easy, the carts which don't make you sick are 2,7 and 9. He said 9's the best"

Arnold smiled "Thanks Helga"

He turned to Lila and placed his hand on her shoulder getting her to turn around "Hey Lila, I found out some carts tend to shake and swing a lot. I don't want you getting sick again but I found out carts 2, 7 and 9 are nice and will keep still. Cart 9 is the best so I think you may want to go in that one"

Helga shrugged and smiled "Thanks Arnold. If you say so!"

People walked away from the ride as the gate opened and allowed the next kids to walk on.

Helga grabbed Lila's hand and pulled her out of the crowd to cart 9 so no one else could get on. She saw two little boys start to get on Cart 9 but she shook her fist and screamed "Move it, morons!"

They gasped and quickly ran over to cart 10. Helga placed Lila in her cart. Lila smiled "Are you jumping in Helga?"

Helga chuckled "Thanks farm girl but I'll be in the cart behind you as I like it when they shake and swing"

Lila battered her eyelids "Ok, and thanks Helga for getting me to the slowest one before anyone could"

Helga nodded as she pushed the bar down and locked it while Lila did her seat belt. She climbed into cart 8. She was disappointed it didn't swing or shake but she didn't want to miss Lila's reaction for the world.

Arnold was the last out the crowd and walked over to cart 9 before realising Lila's bar had already been put down and locked so he couldn't sit next to her.

"Hey kid!" Screamed the controller, Arnold jumped as he turned around "Are you getting in or not? I ain't got all day!"

Arnold rolled his eyes and saw Helga in cart 8. He smiled as he sat down next to her while closing and locking the bar into place.

He turned to Helga "Are you worried? It's not that scary"

Helga laughed "Don't worry about me, Football head. Helga G Pataki doesn't get scared on baby rides"

She thought to herself "Just worry about Lila because she's going to be screaming in about 2 minutes"

Pressed a few buttons and pushed the lever as the ride started up.

Lila enjoyed the view until the ride became slightly faster and she felt her cart start to spin.

"W-what's going o-on?" She said panicked.

Suddenly, the ride went in full swing as Lila's cart spun faster and faster. She held onto the bar for dear life as she screamed "Aaah! Help! It's going too fast!!"

Arnold gasped as he watched Lila's cart go faster and faster as it spun clockwise then anti-clockwise and then clockwise again.

He screamed "Lila! Hang on! It's almost over!"

Lila's face grew pale as she became more and more sick. She couldn't hold it in as the ride continued to spin and spin as she threw up inside the cart and continued to scream.

Helga laughed to herself, Arnold too busy to notice as he worried for Lila, alone in that cart.

Soon, the ride died down before stopping but it still took a few minutes for Lila's to stop spinning. Soon, the metal bars were automatically lifted up. Helga ran up to Lila and acted sympathetic "Oh no!" She said trying not to smirk.

She helped Lila out and helped her walk as they left the ride. Once Lila was on her own two feet she looked at Arnold "I thought you said that cart Was suppose to be still"

Arnold stuttered "I-I thought it was. A-at least that's what I got told!" He said while taking a quick glare at Helga. She battered her eyes in innocence.

Lila shook her head "Well, I think we should take a break from rides for now. Why don't why go over to the game stalls?"

Helga smiled "Great idea!"

Lila linked arms with Helga and let Arnold link arms with her too even if she was still mad as they walked over to the game stalls.

Helga smiled to herself-

"Buckle up, Lila!"

Next Chapter - Sunday

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