Chapter Thirteen - Sailing Forgivness.

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Helga huffed as she stood in the queue with a frowning face and her arms crossed. The queue for "The Winter Wonderland" boat ride was awfully long.

Helga scoffed "Winter Wonderland. Give me a break! It just the same 'Tunnel Of Love' ride but all done up with snow and lights and instead of those stupid swan boats, it's a reindeer boat!"

The line moved slightly as Helga yelled "Hey! Move this line along! I ain't got all day!"

Meanwhile, Arnold ran and ran about looking for a pink bow placed in pigtails. He huffed as he continued looking.

That's when he spotted Helga who was next to go on the boat ride. He gasped as he ran over as fast as he could.

The life guard looked at Helga and said "Just you kid?"

Helga mumbled angrily "Yes!"

"Ok, ok!" The life guard said as he rolled his eyes "Hop in"

Helga got in the boat. She frowned as she sighed and leant her arm on the side as her head rested on her hand.

The life guard went inside the box and was about to pull the leaver to help get the boat sent off-

"Wait!" Yelled a voice which made Helga and the life guard jump.

Suddenly, she saw a boy running in front of the line, apologising to people as he went past and bumped into.

The life guard came out of the box and went over. When the boy was into view, Helga yelped "Arnold!?"

Arnold puffed as he placed his hands on his knees while taking deep breaths "" he huffed.

The life guard frowned "Listen Kid! No skips! Just wait in line like everybody else! And your not allowed to jump in the boat with JUST any random person!"

Arnold caught his breath as he stuttered "No, sir, I'm with her" as he pointed at Helga. Helga just sat there with a poker face.

The guard turned to her as he whined "Is this true!?"

Helga looked at Arnold who had a face of sadness and Helga knew that Arnold wanted to talk to her about something.

Helga shrugged her shoulders "Yeah, he is. Let him in"

The guard bared his teeth as he said to Arnold "You get off this time Kid!"

The people in the line mumbled and whined as they shot Arnold dirty looks. The guard yelled "Hey! You'll all get your turn!"

Helga felt sweat fall off her forehead as she felt tension between them, she was so tempted to jump out of the boat but the life guard had already pulled the lever and their boat was off.

Inside, instead of the pink and red flowing hearts planted all over the place, there were glittery snow balls and snow flakes. Instead of romantic music filling he air, there was jingles and Christmas songs. And instead of the swan boat filled with a couple who were looking deep into each other's eyes and inches away from a kiss, there was a reindeer boat filled with a couple who were distant and ignoring each other.

Namely, Arnold and Helga.

Arnold twiddled is thumbs as he looked at Helga. He knew he had to make the first move and apologise as he knew Helga wouldn't. She just glanced angrily at the inside of the Christmas themed tunnel.

Arnold looked around as he said "Wow, it sure is different to the tinsel of love"

Helga raised an eyebrow at him as she shrugged and mumbled "Well it has to be, football head"

Arnold rubbed the back of his neck "Y-yeah I guess"

Helga growled as she turned to him with her hands on her hips as she scowled him "Why did you join me on this boat, football head?"

Arnold winced as he felt more nervous "I-I'd"

Helga scoffed "Huh! Yeah right! Helga G. Pataki can be a lone wolf if she wants to and if I did want company, the last person I would want it from is YOU!" She pointed at him harshly.

Arnold didn't know what to do. He had two things in his head-

"Tell her the truth and apologise to her! It was your fault for going ahead with this plan and letting it get out of hand! It's the right thing to do!"

"Ignore her and wait for her to apologise! She ruined your chances with Lila! After all, she has done worse to you!"

"Tell her off! Stand up to her for once and give her a taste of her own medicine!"

Arnold shook his head. He knew which option was right.

He sighed "Actually, Helga? There's a reason I came on this boat"

Helga scowled him as she spat "Well why, football head?!"

"I-I wanted to apologise to you" he began "I mean, what you did to Lila was pretty bad and mean was my fault to begin with" Helga raised her eyebrows as she looked at him as he continued and twiddled his thumbs "I mean...yeah, Gerald came up with a plan to win Lila over. And I didn't want to at first because I felt it was mean on the other girl. But after what you did at lunch...and...all the other times you've bugged me... I chose you. I should have thought about the consequences...and most importantly...your feelings"

Helga blushed as she stuttered "I-I don't know what your t-talking about"

Arnold gave her a stern look as he put it to her straight "Helga, I know your not a bad person. I think you just do this to keep up some kind of reputation in school. But deep down, I know your a good person and you have feelings"

Helga thought to herself "Oh! He knows the real me! He...he has seen past my bad girl side and...and looked in to my mushy, nice girl core...he knew the real me...all along!"

"Helga? Are you ok?" Arnold said looking at her.

Helga blinked back into reality and shook her head. She looked at him. There was no way she was going to admit Arnold was right. But even if she tried to deny it, Arnold would know she was lying. So, she decided to return the favour.

She cleared her throat "Thank you, Arnold. I am sorry to for doing it in the first place. I was just hurt, that's all" she rubbed her neck and looked up at him with big puppy eyes.

Arnold smiled as he patted her hand "I'm glad we sorted this out. I actually had a great time with you"

Helga felt herself blush but she smirked and said "Same here, Football head!"

Suddenly, the boat came to the end of the tunnel as they were blinded by the bright light and the sign saying "Be careful as you get off! Thanks!"

Arnold got out of the boat first and helped Helga out. They walked along until they saw their photo in the photo booth. It was the moment they were smiling at each other and Arnold was patting Helga's hand.

Helga blushed bright. She loves the photo. Arnold went up to the photo booth and asked for two copies of it. As they printed, Helga smiled. Arnold then walked back with the two copies and gave one to Helga.

Her knees were weak, she couldn't believe Arnold had bought her a copy and he wanted one as well. She knew she would treasure it forever.

Arnold said to her "Where shall we go next?"

Helga smiled "How about the snow globe?" She just wanted another picture of her and Arnold.

Arnold smiled "Great idea!"

They then walked off.

Hiya! I know I know it's took a while but the chapter is done now! There is one more chapter to go so watch this space!

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