Chapter One

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The sky darkened to an eerie black that concealed the light that had once shone brightly through the trees. Color quickly faded as it was replaced by the shades of the night. It was getting dark. The trees above my head swayed gently, although there was no wind. It was dead quiet in the Enchanted Forest. My boots slugged across the path of mud as my cape trailed behind me. The path I spent everyday traveling on through the woods suddenly seemed different. The trail that twisted throughout the thicket of trees now seemed straight. A line that continued forever throughout the forest.

I shuddered. It had never been so dark, nor so quiet before. There was always the light of the moon to guide me. The sound of the wind against the trees. I shook the thought from my mind and continued further into the wood. Then I saw it.

A white light spread across the ground in front of me. The clouds had parted from where they were, revealing the moon at its fullest. I stared in awe. It had never been so bright. The ambiance began to come back. The wind began to dance with the trees. I closed my eyes. The scent of oak filled my nose and exhaled through my mouth. The aroma filled me with exhilaration. It filled me with something I couldn't explain.

I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. Although it was something I wasn't used to feeling, I craved it deeply. I felt happy. I felt as if nothing else mattered than this moment. I opened my eyes.

Everything seemed clearer. I could see the particles of dust flying in the beam of light that shone around me. I wanted to stay here for longer. I wanted this moment to last forever.

Until I saw the wolf.

It was hidden among the fold of trees behind me. It stared at me in aggravation. It's brows furrowed in my direction. It's face, livid with anger, revealed a set of unpleasant and sharp teeth. It began to move slightly forward.

The wolf bounded towards me. It happened so quickly I had no time to react. It's limbs outstretched. It's teeth bared. My body, paralyzed from fear, refused to move. My lip quivered, urged to call for help, but no help would come. I was too deep into the woods. No one would hear my screams. The thought was soon interrupted by the wolf's teeth digging into my side.


"Her mouth is so big I swear she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth," Gretel said as she gestured to Goldilocks. She was constantly talking to the table next to us in her piercing high-pitched voice. I laughed at Gretel's insult. It was true. Goldie was always talking nonstop, spreading rumors, critiquing others, stuff like that. Everything revolved around her since she was a fairytale. "Hey, what's up with you?"

I had just realized the downcast look on my face. I immediately changed my expression; my eyes now wide and alert.

"What do you mean?" I asked timidly.

"Don't act dumb with me," she said, rolling her eyes. "You had the dream again, didn't you?" I sigh and look up at her. Her face was soft and round. Her brown curls bounced whenever she turned her head to look at me. Her bright brown eyes were pinned to mine.

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes I did." I bite my lip nervously.

"Then why are you upset?"

"Because it was different this time," I said looking away from her.

"So, good different or bad different."

"Oh, I don't know..." I mumbled.

"What happened that was different?" My breaths trembled as I looked for the words.

"Well, it was really quiet, which it isn't normally at first. Then the forest began to seem something that I can't really explain. It was- comforting. It was so nice, Gretel. It isn't normally like that..." Gretel nodded as I explained. Her eyes almost seemed to follow my words down a continuous path of confusion and distress. "Then I just stood there."

"You didn't continue until you got to your grandmother's?"

"No, that didn't happen this time. Instead I stood there and tried to let the moment sink in."

"And then?" Gretel sat in anticipation.

"And then this- this wolf attacked me." I almost choked on the word. "Except it didn't seem normal. It was big, too big for an average sized wolf. And it's eyes. It's eyes were a blank white. I know it sounds crazy but-" the little bell that Mother Goose would ring echoed throughout the lunchroom. Everyone sat up in unison and headed for the doors. I didn't get to finish talking with Gretel, but maybe it's for the best. She wouldn't understand what I was about to say.

The wolf's eyes seemed as if they were human.

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