Chapter Fourteen

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The Pack, as my mother would call it, was endangering the town. I was endangering the town. And I was gonna do something about it. I didn't know what. Peter's party. I could tell Peter's party. These were my thoughts as I sat alone in the cave.

Water dripped from the ceiling onto my forehead.

"Kissed by the cave, huh?" came a voice from behind me. The thought only reminded me of Peter.

"I just, want to be alone, okay?"

"C'mon, I don't bite." I looked down at my shoes. "Well, at least not as a human," he chuckled. He sat down beside me as I looked up at him. He was slim and had short, brown, messy hair. He reminded me of Peter.

"I'm Graham. Sorry I didn't introduce myself before."

"That's alright."

"I hear, your Red, Anita's daughter."

"Yeah," I shortly reply.

"Your mother is a very strong woman." I don't reply. He's probably just another one of her goons. "But I don't like her intentions." I look up at him. He didn't seem like he'd be a werewolf. In fact, his eyes were grey, like Peter's, not silver.

"You're not a werewolf."

"And why do you say that?"

"I just know."

"Well, then, you're a smart one." He was hiding in The Pack. Why?

"Why? Why risk your life to hide in The Pack?"

"Cause' I'm not in The Pack," he says as a tan bag falls over my head.


It was dark. I couldn't see anything. Not until Graham pulled the bag from my head.

He had taken me to a cabin in the woods. It seemed familiar. I continued my struggle to break free from the rope I was tied to.

"I'm so sorry, Red," whispered a voice from behind me. "The guys kind of got carried away." I looked behind me. Graham was untying the rope. Once I was free I knocked my fist against his jaw. He stumbles backwards. "Hey! What the hell was that for?"

"For kidnapping me!" I kicked him in the shin.

"Kidnapping you? I was saving you!"

"Like I believe that for a second!"

"No, really! Red, please!" I lower my fist.

"Well, I'll be damned. You can help it not to put up a fight." I cringe, Goldie had said something similar once before. I took a deep breath and let Graham talk.

"We want to stop The Pack from overthrowing the town."

"We?" I asked, but when I turned I saw Peter's hunting troop standing in a line. 

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