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Gretel was a young woman who grew up in WolvenRidge. She lived most of her life alone, until she met Graham, a hunter. Gretel and Graham had lots in common. In fact, they sworn they must've known each other. They'd tell each other stories from when they were teenagers. Graham had once told Gretel about an amazing girl he knew who saved the town. He hadn't recalled her name, but she had sacrificed herself for the sake of the village. Gretel knew who this person was, but she never told him that.

Graham would also talk about his stories about vampires or werewolves. He told her how they eventually died out. And Gretel was happy. Gretel was happy for the rest of her life. And after Gretel, many others would follow her. Many, many others, like us today.

But we know Red as someone else. We know her as a little girl who always wore her red cape. We know her as someone whose bravery is unlike no other.

We know her as Red Riding Hood.

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