Chapter Six

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The smell of bread ceased my nose and eventually seduced me into following its gorgeous scent. I loved pastries. I loved them ever since I was young. I peaked through the half open door of the bakery and gazed upon piles of deliciousness. I quickly snapped out of it. Come on, Red, focus.

I backed away and continued through the market. The chatter amongst the village bothered me. I hated being surrounded by people. I craved solitude. My head pounded as I turned towards the meat kiosk.

"Hey Red!" said the burly red haired menfolk behind the stand. "Usual?"

"Yeah," I say and shrug, "just some turkey and ham." He reached into the box underneath him and prepared my disposition. He placed them in my basket as I covered it with cloth. He leaned forward.

"I know you don't only come here for the meat." His voice was low and rough.

"Sure Finn," I mutter , sounding uninterested, "tell me the gossip."

"Well I'm sure you know about the crazed wolf right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, then, I'll tell you this one," he said leaning in closer, "you know Mr. Grimm?"

"Gretel's father?"

"Exactly. Well great famine crossed his land and his family has been low on food." Now I was interested. "Hansel and Gretel, his children, were leaving no food for him."


"Yes, pay attention." I was nervous. What happened to Gretel? I hadn't seen her in a while. "So he kicked em' out."

"But Hansel's only twelve!"

"Yep, and I'm sorry to say they've gone missing." I abruptly tossed him a few shillings and walked away, back down the path to Granny's with my cape trailing behind me. My expression was concealed due to the eyes pointed at me.



Their names are nothing now.


It's the same everyday. The same routine. The same rules. The same place. It's the same everyday.

These were my thoughts as I once again lay anxiously on my bed. Things that lacked any purpose consumed my thoughts and continuously replayed through my mind.

Granny told me I can never take off my cape. I've been refusing her request.

I continue to cough blood and occasionally small limbs. Today I had a toenail stuck between my teeth.

More deaths happen in the town. Peter continues to see me at night.

I keep having that dream.

My bedroom fades as I give in to sleep.


I was in the woods again. It was so terribly unclear I might've fainted from a light head. It was silent, yet peaceful, and she's there again.


She, is the woman I saw with jet black hair and silver eyes. Her head tilted at a small angle as she stared at me thoughtfully, examining my body. Her lips formed a slight grin as she held her hand out. This happens every time I have this dream and I always refuse to take her hand.

Except I didn't this time. Instead I took her hand and watched where she'd take me.

Her hand latched to my arm and pulled me deeper into the forest. Her grip was tight and I couldn't break free once she started to run. Her pace quickened as we dodged dangling twigs and thorns. I couldn't keep rhythm with her and constantly fell behind, but she pulled me forward. Her grip was like iron.

The blur of trees and thicket confused my vision, so I couldn't see it at first, but the woman's hand that clenched my arms tightly began to turn the color of her hair. In fact, hair started sprouting all over her body. Her clothes disappeared into her skin as she let go of my hand. Her face contorted into one of my worst fears.

A wolf.

She had turned herself into a wolf. I had only heard of one possible reason she could have done this.

She was a werewolf.

I ran after her. I ran hard. My muscles, aching with exhaustion, slowed me down, but I pushed myself forward. My breaths were uneven and short.

The wolf abruptly stopped and turned around to me. I backed slowly. I had never been so close to a wolf before. I had noticed her eyes were the same. The same silver they were when I first had met her. I looked up to see where we were. Somehow, without even traveling here before, I knew. I knew where we were. I knew where I had to go when I woke up. The wolf suddenly started nudging my hand.

I was hesitant at first, but I softly rubbed the back of the wolf's neck with my palm. She looked up at me. Suddenly she spoke.

"Meet me here."


"Meet me here!" she screeched as her teeth went straight through my arm. 

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