Chapter Seven

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The Cave of Wolves. I was at the Cave of Wolves. I didn't know where I knew it from, but I knew I had to go there. I just didn't know how. I didn't know where it was, but I knew it was there. Goldilocks interrupted my thoughts as she walked over to my table.

A few days after the deaths, school started again, even though more accumulated over the week. Goldie tossed her curly golden hair over her shoulder and peered down at me.

"If you would mind getting your grungy cape off of our table that'd be great." Her voice was sharp, but still as high pitched as it was a week ago. Her friends were chortling behind her. I didn't move. She slammed her tray down. "I wasn't giving you a choice."

"And I wasn't caring." Goldie's face turned bright red, but not out of embarrassment, but out of anger. Even I was shocked at my words. My mouth felt dry.

"If you want to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty like us."

"Pretty? I bet I could wipe off your "beauty" with a tissue." Her friends stopped giggling. Goldilocks seemed insulted. Good. That little brat needs a lesson and I'm gonna be the one to teach it.

Goldilocks stood there, curling her hair with her finger. When she was done she leaned really close to my face. I could smell her porridge scent.

"Oh, Red," she whispered softly, "if only you knew of the coward you really are." I was infuriated at her words.

"Oh yeah," I seethed, "and why do you say that."

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you're afraid of what will happen if you take off that hood of yours."

"Oh, what will Granny do?" she scoffed. I bit my cheek so hard I could taste blood. I ripped the cloak from my back and threw it on the ground. "Oh no! Your protective armor! Now what's going to save you from the wolf?" My teeth clenched together. "C'mon, Little Red Riding Hood!" she said, shoving me. I can't believe she called me that. She actually called me that. "Put up a fight!"

I was way ahead of her since I threw the first punch and stopped her next sentence.


The thought of Goldie's face red with blood entered my mind and I immediately felt better. Better than when the chaperones sent me home, but it was worth it. It was worth losing my cape that I didn't care about anyways. It was worth the talk with Granny. So now I'm enjoying my time in bed thinking about Goldilocks's black eye.

Until I heard it.

"It" was unknown, but the sound was a large knock coming from my window. Peter. It must be Peter.

Except it wasn't.

It was Gretel.

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