Chapter Eleven

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The blood that covered my hands. The blood that filled my mouth. The blood that coated my skin.

Was Peter's.

I screamed. I screamed at the truth that buried me beneath it's weight. I screamed at the fear that strangled me until I became weak and feeble. I screamed at myself, who was too reluctant of the truth and fear.

I watched as droplets of red fell from my mouth. I watched the spray of blood from in between my lips drizzle onto my lap.

It was happening again. I was coughing blood. More violently than I've ever had. I felt like giving up. I wanted this to end.

And it did.

It did once I felt a pair of wrinkly hands upon my shoulder.


Coping with pain, with loss, with the truth, is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I refused to believe it.

Even though it was true.

It was all true. I was too blind to see it. I was too blind to see that- but now I do see it. I've never seen anything more clear in my life. The missing piece of the puzzle. It all made sense now.




They're lives were in danger and still are.

Even Peter's life, was due to my averse decisions.

I was and still am a werewolf.


"You never would've believed me, Red," Granny's arms lay crossed on her chest. "I was trying to protect you."

"Protect me? All you've done was keep me from the truth! People's lives could have been spared! I want to see Peter!" I scolded across the room.

"Peter's dead!" she scoffed. And if you would have listened? If you would have kept that bloody cape on? Then wouldn't you think the lives of the townsfolk would have been saved?"

"What does my cape have anything to do with this?"

"You haven't noticed? When have you ever turned when you've put it on?"

"What do you-" I stopped mid-sentence. Did the cape actually- stop me from turning? Is that why Granny-

"Red, I think we need to do something."

"Is that all you think? That we need to do something? Nothing regarding about how I feel right now?"

"You're nothing, but selfish, Red!" Granny raved. "Selfish and rude!"

"Fine! What Granny? What do you suggest we do?"

"I suggest you leave."

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