Chapter Fifteen

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We snuck carefully in the midst of the trees, towards the cave. Every step I took felt like an eternity, but when we had finally reached the entrance, it had to be fast. I walked in through the cave as the hunters, as Graham would've like to call them, hid outside. I would have to create a diversion to keep them busy as Graham watered down the torches.

"Don't let your fear control you, Red," Graham told me as we reached the entrance. He reminded me so much of Peter. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, and he kissed me back.

I was on my own again.

I walked casually down the ever twisting staircase that led to the big hall, where my mother would be.

I was scared. I wanted to turn back. I wanted to go back home.

But I was already there. My mother was sitting in her chair as she always was.

"Mom?" Her head tilted upwards.

"Yes, darling?"

"I- uh- oh!" I yelled as I fell to the floor. She immediately got up.

"Oh my goodness! What's wrong?" I replied with a moan.

"Somebody! Hurry!" It wasn't long until most of The Pack had came to her side. I tried to count them up. See how many there were. One- three- seven.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Has she eaten in a while?"

"Hurry! Get Emilio!"


I smiled as I saw Graham pass by the group.

Then it was dark. Most of The Pack was screaming. Most had turned into wolves. I tried to stay still as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, but then an idea hit me. An idea that would change my life forever.


I ran. I ran as hard as my legs would let me, as fire and screams raged behind me. My breaths shortened as I struggled for air. I still ran. I imagined running from my fear. It helped me reach where I was meaning to go.

The Cliff.

I understood the truth, although I feared it. I underestimated the truth, and that caused Peter to die. Peter was the only one I've ever loved. Now he's dead. I don't want that to happen again. For someone to die. For me to lose someone again. I needed to stop it. I needed to stop all of it. I understood what I needed to do.

And I was going to do it.


As winter faded, spring replaced it, and it was that spring rain that met me at The Cliff, soaking my hair. I sat down to rest. To think. All of my life, ever since my mother left me, has been nothing until now. I breathed in deeply as the smell of oak filled my nose. It reminded me of my dream. That moment was filled with so much peace.

I trusted that the hunters would take care of The Pack while I was gone. Graham would be distracted.

But that's when I heard his voice calling me. I could make out his faint outline in the distance. He was running.

And now I was too. And as I ran closer towards The Cliff I let each memory I've ever had pass through my mind.

"Her mouth is so big I swear she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth."

"Red? Do you ever feel alone? Even though you're surrounded by people?"

"You have the most beautiful eyes."

"I love you, Red."

"Humans make us seem that we are the monsters. The moment you believe them... that's when you become one."

"Don't let your fear control you, Red."

     "Red! Red! What the hell are you doing? Get away from there!" I turned around. Graham. The boy who reminded me so much of Peter. I smiled. He, and everyone else, would never be in danger again. "Red? No, no, no!" He was screaming, almost crying. And I was almost too. I will never be afraid of the truth, I thought as I leaned backwards over The Cliff and death came faster than I thought it would.

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