Chapter Nine

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"You have the most amazing eyes." Peter looked deeply into them. "They have this- flare to them."

"Flare?" I laughed. He takes my sweaty hands into his firm palm,

"Yeah, they're like-" he paused for a second, "supernatural." His smile widened across his face. I stared back into his stunning grey eyes. Suddenly, they reminded me of something. Something terrifying. "Let's go with my troop."

"Your what?"

"My troop, Red." He laughs and stands up. "We're going hunting.


I realized Peter's true hight when I met his party. He was most likely the shortest. He actually seemed the lesser of the group when I finally compared them to him. I just always thought I was short. Now I'm just small.

The spacious cabin was filled to the brim with bows and arrows, knives and swords, and stuffed animal heads hung on the wall. It smelt of mead. The giant men gathered in center, pushing each other and laughing afterwards. When Peter and I actually stepped in, they turned.

"Peter!" yelled one of the men. His hair was a bright red. Peter acknowledged the man and nodded.

"Who's the lady?" Another one disrupted him. Peter lead me forward.

"This your girlfriend Peter?"

"I imagined her different." Peter talked about me to his troop?

"I expected her different!" one man laughed and so did the others.

"What fellas? Just jealous?" Peter got them quiet quick. He looked around and grabbed the nearest bow. "Tonight, we check the lamb fields. Some Bo Peep girl says her sheep have gone missing. Maybe we'll find something there."

Right then I shivered and realized I didn't have my cape. Peter must've noticed because he gave me his jacket to wear as we went back outside.


Peter was right. We did find something there. Something big. Bo Peep's dead corpse. It was at least a day old Peter guessed, but I really didn't feel like hanging around. I sat outside the barn, thinking to myself with the cold wind biting at my face. I brought the picture of Peter into my mind. His eyes reminded me so much of someone else's.

The werewolf.

The werewolf in my dream. My chest tightened as my eyes fluttered. No. Not Peter. I tried to tell myself that it couldn't be. That it couldn't be. That it couldn't- but it could. It was getting hard to swallow.

Peter was a werewolf.

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