Night out

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@LaurenJauregui:: Good night out with the one and only @justinbieber

I haven't been on Twitter in a while, so once I posted that Tweet my phone blew up. I will admit, I haven't really been myself this past year, but I have my reasons for it. I looked down at my phone to see that Justin had tweeted me.

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui I didn't know how much I missed you until last night.

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber We'll have to go out again some time.

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui Of course we have to.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and I instantly groaned when Zayn's name appeared.

"What?" I answered rudely. I've had enough of trying to be nice to people.

"Why did you go out last night?" He said and I could tell he was annoyed by the way that he said it.

"Because I can. I'm a mum, not in jail. I deserve to have fun." I simply say.

"And where was our daughter when you was having fun." He said and had to over pronounce the word 'fun'.

"She was with Dinah."

"Once again." He says and I felt myself getting angry at what he was saying.

"What do you mean once again?" I hiss.

"You keep going out Lauren. You keep leaving our child with Dinah. It actually makes me sick."

"It makes you sick?" I say but this time I raise my voice slightly.

"I thought you would've learnt when Camila left and took Skylar, but I guess you will never learning." I didn't know what to say. I knew what he was saying was true, but I would never admit that.

"Don't mention her." I sternly say.

"Why not?"

"Because you don't know anything that fucking happened." I shout.

"But I do. I know everything that happened. I was there through it all. Have you even tried to contact Camila and ask how Skylar is?"

"Why don't you-" I was cut off by Jasmine at the door.

"I'm hungry mummy."

"I've got to go." I say and before he gets the chance to respond I hang up on him.

"What do you want?" I say kneeling down so me and Jasmine are at the same level.

"Can I have a sandwich please?" She asked and I smiled before nodding my head.

We make our way down stairs and I make us both a sandwich. We sit there in silent for a while until Jasmine speaks.

"When is mummy mila and Skylar coming back home?" She asked and my heart dropped. How was I suppose to answer that? How was I suppose to tell her that me and Camila are over?

"I'm not sure baby. Hopefully soon." I say because I can't bare to tell her that me and Camila are over.

"They've been gone forever though mummy." She says sweetly and I can feel tears threatening to fall down my cheek.

"I know. Camila and Skylar are just doing some work."

"Skylar is too young to work silly." She says laughing before taking another bite off her sandwich.

"I know that." I say forcing a laugh.
"I meant that Camila is doing work and Skylar is with her."

"I miss them." She says and I could tell that she was sad. It was killing me that I had to lie to her. I didn't want to, but I just didn't want to admit that me and Camila are done for good.

"I listened to your new songs." Jasmine say smiling widely. It always brighten my day whenever she smiles.

"Did you?" I asked.

"Yep." She says with her mouth fall. I laugh before wiping the food from the mouth away.

"Did you like them?" I asked.

"Yep, but they are quite sad." She admits. I don't say anything, instead I just take another bite of my sandwich.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
How are you all?
What happened between Camila and Lauren will be revealed soon. I promise.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night

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