An agreement

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Didn't proof read so ignore any mistakes.

Lauren's P.O.V

"Jasmine baby can you please get ready. I'm going to be late" I say slightly running out of patience.

I've been asking Jasmine to get ready for the past hour and all she's done is complain. I don't know what's wrong with her.

"I'm not going." I hear her mumble.

"And why not? I've got no one to look after you. I can't just leave you hear on your own. This is my career that you could ruin because you're being a spoiled little girl who won't do as she is told!" I instantly regretted what I said.

I looked Jasmine in the eyes and saw tears forming. I went to wrap my arms around her but she pushed them out of the way.

"Leave me alone." She cries.

"I'm sorry Jas. I didn't mean it. I just can't be late for this meeting. Not today anyway. Please get ready and we can get ice cream after. How does that sound?" I asked trying to make her happy, but it didn't work.

"I don't want ice cream." Jasmine says wiping her tears away.
"I want mummy and Skylar." It broke my heart hearing her say it.

Maybe the reason why it hurt me was because of the way that Jasmine said it. Or maybe it was because I miss them and want them here too.

"So then why don't we go to see them?" I didn't really think about what I said. Will I be able to be around Camila without shouting. Will I be able to look at Skylar and not break down?

"Really?" Jasmine says jumping up with her eyes wide.

"Yep." I say smiling softly.

"Thank you mummy. You're the best." She says hugging me tightly and quickly getting ready.

It didn't even take Jasmine 5 minutes to get ready.

"I'm ready mummy." She says and I start laughing.

"Come on then." I say extending my hand so I can hold hers.

The meeting went quicker than expected and before I knew it, we were on our way to see my ex Wife and my daughter.

After about 15 minutes of driving we got to Camila's house. It was a nice size. Jasmine quickly ran out of the car and knocked in the door. I had to catch up to her because she was calling my name. Once I got to the door I heard light footsteps. The door opened slowly to reveal Camila in a banana onesie. I lightly laughed but stopped myself. Before either me or Camila could speak, Jasmine jumped into her arms.

"Mummy!" Jasmine excitedly shouted.

"I've missed you baby." Camila says.

I was just about to ask where Skylar was, but I soon felt her jump in my arms.

"Mum." Skylar says almost in disbelieve.

"Baby." Is all I can say. My voice was shaky and I felt on the edge of crying.

At the corner of my eye I could see Camila putting Jasmine down and look towards me. I gave Skylar one more hug before placing her on the ground and looking at Camila.

"Jasmine I need to show you something really funny." Skylar excitedly says while dragging Jasmine into the house.

"Come inside. Camila gently says. I walk into the house and admire her walls. There are multiple paintings and drawings. I notice that some of my paintings are hung up and smile.

"You kept them." I say turning around to meet Camila's eyes.

"Of course I did. You drew and painted them for me. I would never throw them away." Camila honestly says and it makes my heart melt.
"You kept the bracelet." She says looking down at my wrist with a small smile plastered on her face.

"I've never take it off. It's been on my wrist since the Christmas you have it to me." I truthfully say.
"Can we speak please?" I ask. Camila doesn't say anything, she just nods and walks towards her kitchen.

We both sit down opposite each other and it's silent for a few moments.

"I'm sorry." She says and I look up in confusion.

"Why are you sorry?" I say not quite understanding.

"I overreacted about everything. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. I can't even imagine how hard it must've been for you to loose your brother." Camila says looking me directly in the eyes. I can tell when she's lying and she's not. I know that she means it.

"That still doesn't excuse what I did and how I acted. I should've dealt with it better and got help, but I didn't. Instead I took it out on the people that I love. I pushed you and Skylar away and it's the biggest mistake that I've ever made." I say and Camila doesn't respond.

She just sits there playing with her fingers. It starts to get awkward so I talk.

"I think we should have an agreement." I say making Camila look at me again.

"What kind of agreement?" She asks.

"I think we should take it in turns when we see out daughters." I say that and Camila looks confused.

"So we should have days when I have Skylar and you have Jasmine. Obviously I want to see Skylar everyday, but I think that it will be impossible to make that happen." I didn't have enough time to continue speaking because Camila interrupted me.

"Why would It be impossible?"

"Because it's awkward talking like this. Imagine seeing each other everyday. I just know that something would go wrong. I don't want that to happen. I want us to regain our friendship, but it can't happen so quickly." I say and Camila nods in understatement.

"I get what you're saying." For about 10 minutes me and Camila came up with a schedule for our daughters. I get Skylar Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Skylar and Jasmine plays for about another hour before I take Jasmine home. Today wasn't bad. Maybe, just maybe, things can go back to the way that they use to be.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
It seems like I haven't updated in years. I'm so sorry that I haven't but I will definitely be updating a lot more and a lot more recently. If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night💜

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