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"Skylar would you please hurry up." I say slightly stressed at my 3 year old.

"I don't want to go." She complains stomping her foot on the ground.

"And why not? Yesterday you was begging me to take you to the dance class." I say questioning what my daughter is saying.

"What is they don't like me." I hear her whisper.

"Why would you say that?" I asked concerned. I kneel down so me and her are at eye level.

"Because I might annoy them. I've annoyed you some times." Skylar says and I swear I can feel my heart break.

"You have never annoyed me." I truthfully say.

"Then why do you shout at me." She quietly said.

"Sometimes mummy gets stressed." I begin to say.
"I don't mean to shout. You have never done anything to make me angry, so never think that. I love you."

"I love you too." She giggles.

The truth is that I have been extremely stressed, especially this past year. So much has happened that I'm confused about.
Me and Lauren are no longer together and it breaks my heart how it ended. I know that I was the one to end things, but it still hurts me.
What happened with Lauren changed everything in our relationship.

I tired to help her but she didn't want my help. She pushed me away until I couldn't take it anymore. Some people would think that it's bad I took Skylar away from her, but if they knew what happened they would understand that my intentions were good.

I did it for me, Lauren, Jasmine and Skylar. When I made the decision of moving away and ending the relationship I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do. I still do think it's the right decision, but I miss her. I miss her so much.

"Come baby. Let's go otherwise we're going to be late." I say wrapping her arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground.

We make out way to my car and I strap her into the seat beside me. I start the car up and hear Skylar ask me to put music on. I turn on the radio and the first song it lands on is Lauren's. I quickly turn it over and I cam feel Skylar looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You turned mummy over." She says and I didn't know what to say. I choose to ignore her because I can't bare to tell her that me and Lauren are over.

Ever since I left Skylar has been asking about Lauren. She keeps calling her 'mummy'. I hate myself for leaving but I had to do what I felt was right. Mine and Lauren's relationship was fine until about 2 years ago. Everything changed and I constantly blamed myself for it. I always made myself believe that it was my fault that Lauren got angry. I made myself believe that it was my fault that all these bad things that happened.

Eventually I understood that it wasn't my fault. I understood that that matter what I do and say, Lauren won't get help. She won't change. Me and Lauren has known each other for almost 8 years and I've never seen her as bad as she was a couple of years ago.

Before I knew it we were at the hall where the dance class were. I looked to my left to see Skylar smiling widely at the building.

"It's really big." She says.

"Yes, but not big enough for your talent." I say and I hear her laugh beside me. I undo her seat belt and hold her in my arms while we enter the building. I pushed the door open and felt something hit the door. I quickly walked around to see what it was.

"I'm so sor-"

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I got my tattoo today! :D
Who do you think was behind the door?
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

Happy ending? (Sequel to Paparazzi)Where stories live. Discover now