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Before this starts I just want to say the story with me answering questions is published. If you want to read it I'll appreciate it. It's called 'Q&A'
Also, if you have any questions comment under the current chapters or message me.

"Lauren" I felt my heart beat increasing every second that we stared Into each other's eyes. I couldn't move or speak, it was like I was paralysed.

"Maybe we should go into!" I heard Dinah begin to say, but Lauren interrupted her.

"Camz." She says just above a whisper. I haven't heard he say that in a year. The time she did was when I left her.

I was about to walk away but I bumped into the small girl that I've wished to see since me and Lauren broke up.

"Mummy mila!" She shouts jumping up and extending her arms. I knew she wanted me to pick her up, but I couldn't. I just stared at her speechless.

"Mummy." My heard snapped around to see Skylar running up to me.
I bent down, with tears in my eyes and picked her up.

"We're going to go home ok." I say quietly.

"Why? I want to sta-" She stopped talking once shqe saw Lauren. She jumped out off my arms and I tried to stop her but it was too late. Lauren smiled widely and held her in her arms.

"I've missed you so much." Lauren says before kissing Skylar on her head. I didn't know it was possible, but my heart seemed to be breaking more and more as the second went by.

I looked down to my right to find Jasmine looking back up to me with a sad expression on her face. I didn't want her to think that I never loved her or that I've forgot about her, so I bent down and embraced her in a hug.

"I've missed you Princess." I say honestly.

"I've missed you more." She says whilst giggling slightly. She still has Lauren's laugh. Once I let her go I felt her wipe away my tears with her thumb. I smiled gratefully.

"How have you been?" I asked Jasmine.

"Good, but I've missed you a lot. Mummy said you was working, are you still working?" She asked and I didn't know what to say.

I looked at Lauren and she was crying as well. She gently placed Skylar on the ground and stood back up straight. She looked me in the eyes with the green eyes I dream about.

"Camz I-" Lauren begins to say but I immediately stop her.

"Don't." I sternly say not wanting so talk to her. Who am I kidding? Of course I want to talk to her, I just can't handle it right now.

"Please we need to talk." She says and I could see tears forming in her eyes again. I felt my eyes begin to stings due to the tears forming in my eyes too.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else and talk in private." Dinah suggest and I immediately shake my head.

"I have nothing to say to her." I quietly say not wanting the girls to hear.

"You may not have anything to say, but I do. Please just talk to me for five minutes. I just need to explain everything." Lauren begs and I felt myself slowly giving in.

"Lauren don't do this." I say and I heard my voice crack at the end of the sentence.

"Don't what Camila? Try to get back together with my Wife. I will not stop trying until you hear me out. If after I explain everything and you still don't want me, I'll accept it. Just please. All I want is a few minutes." Lauren says and my heart broke. Again. I can't let her in, not again. Not after everything.

"Ok." I heard myself saying before even thinking about.

"Where can we go to talk?" Lauren asks Dinah and she points to a small office to our left.

"We'll be back in a minute ok." Lauren says to Skylar and Jasmine. They nod before running around with each other.

We made our way into the office and I heard a click. I'm guessing Lauren locked it so no one could come in and interrupt us. I sat down and saw Lauren do the same thing.
I felt the palms off my hands begin to sweat, why was I so nervous? Oh maybe because I haven't seen my Wife in a year.

"Aren't you going to talk?" I say and Lauren's head snap up.

"Right. So I'll start from the beginning."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
The next couple of chapters will be flashbacks. Then it will continue from this point. I hope that makes sense to you all. If it doesn't just say and I'll try to explain it better.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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