What's true?

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"I'm so sor-"

I couldn't believe who I had bumped into. I didn't expect to ever see her again.

"Camila." She says but is almost questioning it.

"Hailee." I say in disbelieve. The last time I saw her was at the hospital after she did, well you know what she did to me.

"Wow." I hear her breath out.
"It's been so long."

"Yes it has." I simply say. I see her go in for a hug but I quickly back away making sure that I'm holding onto Skylar tightly.

"Dont." I sternly say.

"Who is it mummy?" I hear Skylar quietly say.

"So it's true." Hailee says.

"What's true?" I asked.

"You and Lauren had a baby, well not technically but you know what I mean." She laughs.


"Where is Lauren now? With Zayn?" She asked and you could hear how smug she was being about this situation.

"I'm not discussing this with you." I hiss.

"Why not. You and Lauren are still together right? Or were the articles I read about you two breaking up real?" She asked. The little bi-

"Nope. My mummy has gone to work." I hear Skylar say. I smile at her cuteness but that instantly fade when I rememebr what we were talking about.

"Of course she has." Hailee says giving Skylar a fake smile. If Skylar wasn't in my arms I would've smacked that smile off her face.

"We're going." I say and just as I was about to turn away from her she grabs my arm and I instantly tenses up. I know what she's capable off and I know how badly she injured me last time.

"I guess your taking her to the dance lesson?" She asks. I don't respond so she carry on talking.
"I'll see you in there. I have to take my cousin. Who know, Skylar and my cousin could become really good friends." And there was that fake smile off hers again.
"I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other." With that said she walked away.

"You don't seem happy mum." Skylar says looking at me. I honestly would never had thought that she was only three. Sometimes she says more intelligent things than I do.

"I'm fine baby. Me and that women just aren't friends." I say trying not to go into too much detail.

"Ok. Can we go into the class now?" She asked and I laughed slightly before walking through the doors.

I placed Skylar down on the ground and made sure that her outfit was ok. I grabbed onto her hand and made my way over to the tall women at the back off the room. I'm guessing she is the teacher because everyone were going up to her and she was introducing her self to their parents and the children.

"Hi we're here for-" I stopped talking when the women looked around.

"Mila?" She questioned.

"Dinah." I say with my eyes wide and jaw slightly dropped.

"Come here." I didn't get time to speak because Dinah had pulled me into a hug. I didn't know how much I had missed Dinah until now. Over the six years off mine and Lauren's relationship, me and Dinah got really close. That obviously stopped once me and Lauren broke up.

Once we pulled away from each other she gave me the biggest smile that I returned. She looked down towards my legs and looked at Skylar. Dinah's smile got bigger, if that's even possible.

"Hi." She gently says to Skylar. I looked down to see Skylar trying to hide behind my legs. I heard Dinah laugh. I kneeled down so I could look at Skylar clearly.

"You don't need to be scared Princess. Dinah is a good friend off mine." I say and I could see from Skylar's facial expression that she relaxed.

"Hi." Skylar shyly say.

"Hi." Dinah happily say.
"Why don't you go over there." Dinah says pointing to the group of children.
Skylar nods before running over to the group. I stand back up so me and Dinah are now at eye level.

"I should probably tell you something before you find out for yourself." She says and I can't help but feel worried because off her tone of voice.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well it's Laur-"

"Thank you for that. She was going to wee herself of she didn't use the toilet." I heard the voice come from behind me. The voice that I didn't think I'd ever hear again.

I turned around and her eyes went watery and wide, just like mine were.


Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this chapter.
What do you think will happen next?
I don't know when I will next be updating because I have mocks for the next 2 weeks but I'll try my hardest to update as much as possible.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

Happy ending? (Sequel to Paparazzi)Where stories live. Discover now