Being Interviewed

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1 year and 8 months ago

"Are you insane!" Camila shouts in the car.

"We have to tell the police the truth and we need to call them now!" Demi shouts back panicking about what will happen.

"We can't Demi! Lauren might go to Jail. Her name will be in hundreds of headlines." Camila says and I could see her shaking slightly.

"We need to tell them the truth." I whisper. Camila looks at me and grabs my hands.

"Lo, we can't. You have Jasmine and Skylar. You can't leave them,you know exactly what will happen." Camila says trying to calm me down, but it doesn't work.

"I killed my brother!" I shouts.
"I fucking killed him because I was speeding! How am I suppose to live with myself knowing that I've killed him!" At this point I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face.

"Maybe we should all just calm down." Demi suggests.

"How can we calm down? I've killed your boyfriend, Skylar's Dad, my brother." I cry out and my voice cracks at the end.

"You shouldn't tell them." Demi says agreeing with Camila.

"I need to. This is my fault." I shout not really meaning to.

"You could go to Jail lo." Camila says beginning to cry.

"I deserve to go to Jail. I am the reason that he's dead!"

"Don't say that." Demi quickly says.
"We told you to speed. This isn't your fault. You can't take responsibility for this."

After a few minutes they persuaded me not to tell the police or the ambulance. How am I suppose to look at Skylar and not remember that I'm the reason her real farther will never see her again. Chris loved her. I loved Chris.

"The ambulance are on their way." Camila says and Demi nods her head.

A few minutes later we heard the sirens off the ambulance. Shortly after 2 men came rushing over to us. We're now in hospital getting checked over. Some doctors have tried talking to me, but I can't seem to speak.

"Mrs Jauregui." A police officer says, pushing the curtain away so he can see me. I nod because I don't want to talk, not right now.
"We know that this is an heartbreaking time, but I really need to ask you some questions."

"Ok." I quietly say.

"Before I ask you the questions I just want to say that if you don't want to answer any, just say and we can do this another time. Ok?" He says giving me an encouraging smile.

"Ok." Is all that I say again.

"Was you the one driving the car?" He asked.

"Yes." I simply say.

"How did the crash happen?" He asked writing stuff down in his notebook.

"I was driving. A lorry came out off nowhere. The car skidded because off the ice. Next thing I know our car had flipped over." Everything that I've said is true, I just didn't mention the bit about me speeding. I want to, but I need to think about Skylar and Jasmine.

"Was Chris dead straight away, or was he just get injured?" The policemen asked and I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not sure if he died straight away. It took everyone a while to realise what has just happened." I answer truthfully.

"So how did you know that he was dead?" He questioned.

"I turned around to make sure that everyone was ok. I saw Demi checking his pulse. From the look on her face I knew something was wrong. I checked his pulse for myself and I couldn't feel a beat. I tried, I tried so hard to just find something. Anything. I wanted to jus-" I couldn't finish because I was breaking down in tears.

"It's ok Lauren. Take as long as you need." He said. I tried to control my cries but nothing worked. The only thing that I could think off was me being the reason that Chris is dead.
I'm the one to blame and I can't keep this a secret.

"It was m-" I was interrupted by Camila and Demi. They came into my room.

"Are you ok babe?" Camila says coming towards me.
"Are you nearly done?" She asked the police officer.

"We're done. Your statements all match, so I don't see any reason to follow this up." He says giving us a soft but almost sad smile.
"I'm sorry for your loss." He says looking at me, but then at Demi and Camila.

Once he left the room Demi stepped further into it. She came towards me and grabbed my hands.

"You did the right thing Lauren."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
Updated twice in one day because I feel as though I've been lacking on the chapters.
The next chapter will go back to when Lauren is explaining to Camila in the dance office.
What do you think will happen next?
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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