Let me explain

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"So your idea of explaining was telling me stuff that I already know." I say slightly annoyed for thinking that Lauren would actually explain.

"Camila I need to-" Lauren begins to say but I cut her off.

"I understand that it was hard for you loosing your brother. I get that, it was hard for everyone. I understand if you blamed yourself for what happened. I would too. I understand all off that. I just don't understand why you pushed me and Skylar away."

"It was hard for me." Lauren says and I could tell she was close to crying.

"And you don't think it was hard for me too? I loved Chris. He was like a brother to me." I say.

"But he wasn't!" Lauren shouts and I unintentionally move back from her suddent outburst.
"He was my brother and I fucking killed him! Do you know how hard it was to go to his funeral knowing that I was the reason he's dead."

"So you just pushed everyone away. Was that your way off hiding the way that you felt." I shout back.

"No! The reason why I pushed you and Skylar away was because I couldn't look her in the eyes without feeling hate!" She shouts and at this moment I don't know what to feel.

"What do you mean you felt hate?" I asked confused by everything that she was saying.

"I mean that when I see Skylar I see Chris. I remember what I did and I fell hate. Whenever I looked at Skylar all I could feel was hate." She shouted but immediately calmed down.
"I don't Skylar, I never have and I never will. She's Chris's double. Whenever I see her, I see Chris. I hate myself."

"You can't keep living in the past Lauren." I say.

"And neither can you" She says and I look at he confused. She obviously understood that I was confused and carried on talking.
"You can't seem to forget what happened between me, you and Skylar. That's the only reason we're not together anymore."

"No." I quickly defend myself.
"The reason why we're not together anymore is because you couldn't look at our daughter for more than 2 seconds without feeling sick!" I couldn't control how loud I was shouting.

"I just wanted to fucking forget how Chris died and I couldn't. Everyday that I was in the same house as you and Skylar all I did was remember."

"So that's why you turned to drink?" I quickly say not wanting to miss any opportunities to ask the things that I've wanted to for the past year.

"Yes." She whisper and I could tell that she was ashamed.
"I thought that by me drinking I would forget everything for a while, but it made me remember it more. I couldn't help but push people away in the end. I couldn't do anything about it."

"We were your family." I say and I could see the hurt expression on her face.

"We still are Camz we-" She begins to say but I interrupt.

"No we're not. Not anymore."

"We still are. Unless we get a divorce, me and you are still married." Lauren says.

"I know what we need to do." I say thinking off the best thing that could happen to me and Lauren.

"What?" Lauren questions.

"I don't want to be with you anymore. The only way for that to happen is for us to get a divorce."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
The reason why I've updated 3 times today is because I haven't updated in a while. I was going to leave this chapter for tomorrow, but it's short so I updated it today.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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