We can't

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"Lauren I'm sorry, we just can't keep doing this anymore." Camila says trying not to cry.

"Camz, baby please. You can't leave me. I need you. Please don't go." I say trying to control my cries.

"I have to leave you." She says but I quickly shake my head and grab onto her arm.

"Don't let me go this easily. You don't need to leave. I'll- I'll change. I promise, I'll do it for you, Skylar and Jasmine."

"I'm going to go upstairs, get Skylar and me and her are going to leave." She calmly says and this time I couldn't control myself. I felt as though I couldn't breath from crying so much.

"So your just going to give up on me and Jasmine?" I say.

"I will never give up on Jasmine. I'm giving up on you." She whispered the last bit.

I woke up from a small hand grabbing at my arm. I could feel tears in my eyes from the dream, or should I say nightmare that I had. I wanted to forget how Camila left me and took our daughter, but no matter what I do I can't.

"Mummy we're going to be late." Jasmine says still pulling at my arm.
"Wake up mummy."

"I'm up baby." I say before wiping away the tears in my eyes and stretching.
"Now give me a hug." I say extending out my arms. I hear Jasmine laugh before tightly wrapping her small arms around me.

"I love you mum." She says.

"I love you too my little Princess." I say and I hear her laugh again.

"You must be a queen then." Jasmine says.

"I'm not a queen."

"Yes you are." Jasmine insists.

"Why am I?" I question.

"Mummy mila always use to call you a queen." I got the feeling that I always get whenever someone mentions Camila. The gut wrenching feeling that I wish would just dissappear.
"Camila use to always call you her queen and she always told me stories about you two."

"What stories did she tell you?" I asked.

"Loads." Jasmine pretty much shouts.
"The one that I like is the one she told me before her and Skylar went away to work."

"What story was that?" I practically whisper.

"You were the Queen and she was a friend of your friend. You and her met at your friend's birthday party. She said it was really fun." Jasmine says giggling.
"Mila said because you were a queen she was scared to hurt you. She said that there were monsters that tried to break you and her apart, but you loved each other so it didn't work." She says still smiling. I could feel my heart aching during and after her telling the story that Camila told her.

"There were a lot of monsters." I say. I knew exactly what she was on about when she said monsters. Hailee and Kendal.

"But they didn't break you two apart because you still love each other. Them monsters suck." She says and now it was my turn to laugh slightly.

"Why don't you go and wait down stairs why I get ready?" I suggests.

"Ok." She says before running down the stairs.

"Be careful!" I shout before getting out of bed and changing into some suitable clothes.

I make my way down the stairs to see Jasmine dancing around in a circle.

"You should save your energy for your dance class sweety." I say.

"I have this much energy." She says extending out her arms as far as they could go.
"I can dance now and then dance again later."

"Ok, if you say so." I say smiling.
"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Toast." She says.

"Ok but first I want a picture of you."

@LaurenJauregui: My little princess's first dance lesson.
*Picture attached

(Yes the picture is of Lauren)

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I thought I would tell you now so you know in advance.
For the next 2 weeks I have mock exams every day. So my main priority will be revising for them. I probably won't be able to update everyday because of that, but I will try to update as much as possible.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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