The crash

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1 year and 8 months ago

"Camz everything is fine." I say to my Wife.

"But what if something goes wrong? What if Jasmine or Skylar wants one off us and we're not here." Camila says in a panick. This is her first time she will be going out without Skylar. I rememebr she was just like this the first time that I went out without Jasmine. She's so cute.

"They're fast asleep baby." I say placing my hands on her shoulder to try to make her relax.
"We will be back before one off them wakes up. It's fine."

"Ok." She says giving me a small smile.
"Are you sure Zayn is going to be fine with them?" She asks slightly unsure.

"He's going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine Camz. He's Jasmine's Father and he's an amazing one. You should know that." I say.

"He's only ever looked after Jasmine before. He's never looked after Skylar. Has he even looked after two children at the same time before. Oh my g-" She started rambling and just as I was about to tell her to shut up, in the nicest way possible, Zayn interrupted her.

"I've looked after three children before and they were a nightmare. You don't have to worry about anything going wrong. I'll call you if something happens." I sure Camila's body relax slightly. She nodded and gave him a small smile before turning to me.

"Are you ready to go? Chris will be waiting for us." She says making me giggle at he mood change.

"I'm ready." I say before saying 'goodbye' to Zayn and walking out off the house. I could see Camila already sitting in the passenger seat in the car.

Neither me or Camila had spoke to each other since being in the car. I knew she was nervous about leaving Skylar, I was the first time I left Jasmine with my mum. I turned the radio on because that always makes her happy. The first song that came on was 'Love me' by The 1975. Me and Camila looked at each other and I could see her little smile appearing.

Camila was the first one to sing. Her voice echoed through the car and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You've been reading 'bout yourself
On a plane, fame for a change
Caught up in fashion
Karcrashian panache
A bag of bash for passion
You've got a beautiful face but got nothing to say (Oh!)
You look famous, let's be friends
And portray we possess feeling important
And do the things we like, meaning

We've just come to represent
A decline in the standards are what we accept"

It was now my turn to join in

"Yeah, yeah
Yeah, no

And love me (Yeah, oh)
If that's what you wanna do (Oh, yeah)
And love me (Love me, yeah)
If that's what you wanna do (Oh, yeah)

Oh, so sack off your calendar
Give it to the people
Be the man that
Gets 'em up on their feet
Say "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

Love me (Yeah, oh)
And love me (Yeah)
If that's what you wanna do (Oh)"

Once the song finished me and Camila couldn't stop laughing. I didn't even realise that we were already at Chris's until he tapped on the window. Mine and Camila's heads snapped round to see him and his girlfriend Demi, standing there laughing at us.

Camila quickly jumped out off the car and tackled then into a hug. I laughed at her goofiness and patiently waited until they got back into the car. Once they got in we all said 'hello' to each other.

"Lauren can't you hurry up? We're going to miss the film." Chris complains. Sometimes I actually think he's still only 6 years old.

"I can't go any faster." I say.

"Yes you can." He quickly defends.

"Have you not see how icy the roads are?" I asked slightly amazed by how dumb he's being today.

"Come on Lauren. Nothing bad is going to happen." Demi says.

"Fine, but if anything happens I'm blaming it on you." I say and I hear them laugh.

I speed the car up and I hear Camila tell me to 'slow down'. Just as I'm about to a lorry comes out off nowhere making me loose control off the steering wheel. Somehow my car managed to flip itself over.

All I can hear are screaming and a ringing noise. The car stops but the screaming doesn't. I can feel something wet dripping down my race. I wipe it and see blood.

I look at Camila and she seems just as in shock as I am. I place my hand on her knee and she jumps slightly. I look towards the back seat to see Demi crying. She doesn't look hurt, so I don't understand why she would be crying.

I then look towards Chris. I see demi placing her finger on his pulse. She begins to cry hysterically. I feel my heart beating faster, but it feels like it isn't beating at all.

I quickly lean over to the backseat and feel his pulse. There's nothing, so I try again. I feel myself crying as I'm trying to check for something that isn't there anymore. I felt my whole world come crashing down each second.

"I'm so sorry. Goodnight Chris."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
What do you think will happen next?
Today I'm going to try to write as many chapters as I can, so hopefully you will get a update everyday. I can't promise that it will happen but I will try. After next week I will be able to definitely update everyday because I would've finished my mocks.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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