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Flashback 1 year ago

Camz💜: How are you?

Lo💜: I'm fine Camila

Camz💜: No your not

Lo💜: And how exactly would you know?

Camz💜: Because you only call me Camila when you're upset or angry. You always normally call me Camz

Lo💜: Maybe I like your real name better than a shitty nickname I made years ago

Camz💜: Why are you being like this? I'm trying to be nice to you and be there for you and all your doing is pushing me away.

Lo💜: I don't need you fucking babysitting me Camila!

Camz💜: I'm your wife Lauren

Lo💜: Then how about you start acting like it and stop acting like my mum!

Camz💜: Fine

Lo💜: Oh God. Now your upset, why don't you go running to Daddy again and tell him how much off a jerk I am

Camz💜: That was once!! I told you I'm sorry about that!!

Lo💜: But it still happened didn't it? You're pathetic Camila. You're a mum and you still act like your in high school😂

Camz💜: I'm pathetic? This is fucking funny coming from. I know I'm a mum and you are too. I haven't seen you all week and the only time you reply to my text is to have a go at me. How do you think that makes me feel? I know you're still hurt about loosing your brother, but you can't keep taking it out on me! I've had enough off all of this!
I've been there for you through thick and thin and this is how you repay me.

Lo💜: You have no right to bring up Chris! How fucking dare you! I didn't think you could piss me off anymore, but look at you, our full off suprises.
And you've been there for me through thick and thin? So when you cheated on me with Hailee that was you being there for me?

Camz💜: THAT WAS 6 FUCKING YEARS AGO!!!!! 6 years and you still can't seem to get your head out off your arse and get over it!

Lo💜: How can I ever get over something like that?

Camz💜: Can we just stop talking about this? Can you please tell me where you are? What are you even do? Jasmine and Skylar miss you.

Lo💜: I'm doing the same thing you was doing 6 years ago😉

Camz💜: No your not.

Lo💜: Yes I am :)

Camz💜: I know you wouldn't do that! You're not like that Lauren. I know how much it hurt you when you found out about me and Hailee. You wouldn't hurt me like that.

Lo💜: You're right. I'm not like you. I'm nothing like you and I'm fucking glad about that. You actually make me feel sick sometimes. Please just leave me alone and stop messaging.

Camz💜: Thanks for showing me how much you love me. It means a lot.

Lo💜: Maybe I just don't anymore.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I'm not actually sure when I will next update. I've got so much shit going on at the moment and I just can't handle it all right now.
I'm sorry.
To be honest I am actually thinking about stopping writing all off my stories...
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

Happy ending? (Sequel to Paparazzi)Where stories live. Discover now