8. Are You Talking To Me?

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-Edited chapter: December 28th, 2016. Some things have changed-

Are You Talking
To Me

We finally made it to the party.

It actually looks a lot like it does in movies.
People making out on the front lawn, red cups littering the area and a bunch of people screaming and running like crazy.

My heart was pounding in nervosity for some reason. Maybe it was just because I've never been to something so insane before...

I was beginning to think that all of this was hectic and that I just wanted to go back to the cabin. Our teachers were absolutely crazy to be 'allowing' alcoholic beverages to minors.. or maybe they're just clueless about us spiking the punch bowls.

We all stumbled upon our feet as we tried getting out from the limousine. My ass was kind of numb from sitting firmly on the stiff seat for maybe about fifteen minutes. I brushed my fingers through my hair carefully to make sure it doesn't knot up or anything. I then sighed and told myself that I could overcome this.

I entered the big wooden doors with my girls by my side, the music pounding beneath my feet. I winced as the strobe lights came in contact with my eyes and immediately spotted Mylo and his posse coming towards us.

Holy shit. He looked so hot.

"Hey beautiful.." He embraced me into a hug, my head nuzzling his neck. Lord, help me before I melt.

"Hey to you too.." I smiled a bit.

"You're dressed nice, tonight." He grins at me.

"Oh really? Just tonight?" I cocked up an eyebrow, smirking at him.

"N-nah you dress nice everyday, it's just that tonight you look fucking gorgeous." He says to me.

I gulped nervously not knowing what to say, my cheeks blushing a certain pink.

He then bursts into laughter, high-fiving Kyrie.

"Bro, that was definitely worth the ten bucks. Pay up man! Her face was priceless."

Wait? He played me?

"You're messing with the wrong person, Rocklyn." I picked his chin up by a finger, confidently walking past him without a thought.

Man... I love my new sassy self.

"H-Hey Zara! Hey, I'm joking.. I'm joking!" His hand gripped my arm tightly, halting me from my further steps.

"Mhm.. Yeah." I sassed him.

"Nah, I mean it! You do look beautiful!" He admits.

This has got to be atleast the third time I've blushed today.

I smiled at him in response, and he continues to speak.

"Uh, I know this may sound a bit weird but would you like to maybe stay with me through out the party? I don't plan on drinking or anything tonight because it's our last day and I don't feel like waking up with a huge migraine, ya know? And I figured, since the others are going to be drunk as fuck by the end of the night, why not hang out with someone who's not..?" He chuckles nervously.

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