13. I Was There For You

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I'm so sorry for the long wait :(

I feel like my excuses are always the same, but yes I've been going through a rough month again. It was just hell for me and I was too anxious to come back on social media. #anxietyproblems lol. But yeah, I obviously love Wattpad and you guys too much to leave forever. I wanna try posting weekly but it's just too hard. I'm so sorry. Sometimes I get really bad panic attacks and it just screws me up real bad. Anyways, here's a new chapter!

Just uploaded the trailer for Too Shy To Tell You on YouTube! Go check it out! xo

I Was There
For You

Kayla was right.

No matter how many times my life starts to turn out great, it immediately gets foreshadowed by Mylo's presence.

I want to scream at him for all of the things that he has done to me, but I remained silent through the thoughts that were travelling in my mind. I'm too shy to tell him how I feel.

Mylo and I make eye contact but I immediately look away in embarrassment. I'm mad about how many times I've fallen into his trap in the past, about how many times I've had a small glimpse of hope that we'd be dating. I thought that I would be his change and that he'd discover the world of dating because of me. I guess he is who he really is.

He's a fucking player.

"Is it bad that I don't know how to bowl?" Kayla snaps me out of my thoughts. My eyes immediately travelled to see the worried look plastered on to her face.

"No," I giggled.

"What makes you think I know how to bowl too? I could already picture myself throwing the ball too hard and end up hitting the ceiling instead of the pins themselves."

"True. Sometimes I forget how clumsy you are." She replied, bursting into laughter.

I playfully rolled my eyes, retrieving an eight pound bowling ball from the ball return and headed over to the nearest chair.

"Cools! Prepare to get your ass beaten!" Brendan shouted from the opposite side of me. His blonde hair is carefully pushed back, a playful smile tracing his lips.

"We'll see about that!" I yelled back.

I'm usually very competitive and confident when it comes to games, but bowling is not my thing so I'm kind of positive that Brendan will end up winning.

"We'll see about that, my ass..." Kayla mocked me, as she sat on Alex's lap.

"Okay! Let's start the game!" Meg called out from the other side.

Kyrie and Calista were now head to head. The both of them tossed their ball down two seperate tracks. I laughed quietly as I see Calista's ball travelling to the side, not hitting any pins.

"Ugh, this stupid ball. I could've broken a nail." She huffed.

Jeez, the resemblance between Alaska and Calista is so similar that I might puke.

"Uhm, baby you'll get it another time. Don't worry." Mylo encouraged her from our side.
I narrowed my eyes towards him, shrugging.

"Another time? More like never..." I mumbled under my breath.

Alex and Kayla were next and luckily they were able to knock down six pins each. They sighed in defeat as they realized how close they were to hitting a strike.

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