3. Road Trip To Fights

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Road Trip To

We were currently outside of our assigned luxury bus, taking attendance and giving our luggage to our chauffeur. I was kind of pissed since it was seven am and I had no one to sit with. Rhea was paired up with Kayla, while Megan was seated with one of Mylo's friends.

What even.

How could Meg get so many boys in a small amount of time? I found that hard to believe, especially since she was my twin sister. Maybe it's because she's actually getting out of the house, unlike you. You stay at home, eating chips. My self conscious reminded me.

I got inside of the bus and spotted my sister and friends in the very back row, gossiping about some stuff that who knows what about. Our school is always so full of gossip, which means there's rarely a time where you can miss out on anything.

Making my way to the back, I decided to sit on the seat right in front of Megan's. They all glanced at me, but left me alone since they knew I wasn't in the mood to talk. Except for one person.

"Sweetheart, so I see you're still in a pissy mood from yesterday's fight." A familiar voice said to me, the one I dreaded to hear. I glared at him rudely, as I noticed the smirk plastered across his face.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." I gritted my teeth, looking at him furiously.

"But you will."

"Shut up Mylo, just leave me alone. I'm dead serious." I started to become vexed, my palms were sweaty.

"No can do Princess, Mrs. Kratos told me to sit here, since I didn't have no one to sit with." He sat down, making himself at home, putting his legs on top of mine.

"Hell no! You cannot be serious!" I yelled loudly, my voice booming through out the bus.

"Zara Cools! If I hear one more complaint, he will be in your cabin and you both will share a room too! Quit the act this instant!" Mrs. Kratos snapped. I don't get why she swoons over Mylo so much, he barely goes to any of his classes.

"But Miss! You don't understand! You're making me sit with my nemesis!"

"That's the point! It's your punishment for the amount of times you've pissed me off in class." She proudly said, taking her seat.

She should get fired.

The bus started to drive away from campus, making a lot of students cheer in excitement. Please hope I make it through this ride.

"Why should I have to sit with you? I'm not the dumbass that used someone for money, now did I? I should have a reason to be pissed about this." I scoffed at him.


"Can you please turn your music down? It's bothering me." I scolded, trying to finish reading my book.

"No one can turn down Drake. Did you see what he did to Meek Mill? Hilarious!" He chuckled, putting a hand on my thigh. I slightly pushed it off with my book, crossing my legs.

"What are you reading? You nerd. Who the heck reads books nowadays? Download audible instead." He questioned me.

"None of your god damn business."

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