14. Tell Me You Care

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Enjoy this super long chapter! Love you all!

Tell Me You Care

My car was parked in the rocky driveway of Mylo's immense mansion. His family was extremely successful in business so it didn't surprise me that his house would be huge.

The house was quite modern. It was oak brown with dark accents, square glass windows complimented the structure perfectly.

I wondered out of curiosity what it would be like to live in a house like that, instead of a small yet antique house by the school. My neighbourhood was the definition of 'cookie cutter' houses. Mine was a petite yellow house, who's paint started to chip off. I do love my neighbourhood though. So many memories have happened there, I don't picture myself leaving anytime soon.

I shivered as the wind came in contact with my skin. My cheeks reddened a certain mauve color due to winter's weather approaching very soon. I bit my lip anxiously, afraid of what to say to Mylo. It appeared that he was quite angry when he left and I am starting to re-think that my visit will become the biggest mistake I've ever made.

My mind was too busy over thinking and I hadn't realized that I was already in front of the door. My heart pounded eagerly, and without hesitation I rang the door bell.

After a few seconds of me nervously picking at my skin, the door creaked slightly and a tiny girl with blonde locks and blue eyes came into view. She looked about six years old, a shy grin was on her face.

"Hello.." She timidly says, as she opens the door wider.

"Hi!" I crouched down.

"I'm Talia Rocklyn." She smiled, her two front teeth were missing. My heart melted as she let out her hand to shake mine.

I did so and replied to the girl, which might've  been Mylo's little sister. She wore a blue ballerina suit, paired with pink rain boots.

"I'm Zara. Nice to meet you!"

"Do you need anything? Do you want to come inside?" Her personality was quite bubbly, and I giggled at her sentence. She's so adorable.

"Would I be allowed to? Are your parents home?" I asked her, quietly.

"Uhm, just my mom. My dad is on a business trip to Europe. Are you looking for someone?" She's very smart for her age, and has quite the diverse vocabulary. Her blonde hair was separated into braids. You can tell that she's been moving a lot by the loose strands of hair, cascading down her shirt.

"I'm looking for your brother, Mylo. Is he home?"

"Yes, he's in his room. Are you his princess? You're very beautiful! You'd match well with him. I always tell my brother that he looks like the Prince Charming in my books. Every week, he brings home a new girl and they don't look as pretty as you. They look like toads." Her nose scrunched, and I laughed. It's sad that Talia acknowledges the many girls that Mylo brings home, every week.

"I'm just a friend coming to visit." I grinned.

"Oh. Mylo doesn't usually have friends over, except Kyrie and Alex. They're super loud and all they ever talk about is girls in bikinis. It's so disgusting. All I ever want is for them to play games with me but they never want to." She pouts, looking at the ground.

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