17. Lies Always Slip

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Lies Always Slip

"What an odd Monday morning,"

"Mylo climbed into your room, he invited you to his mom's banquet, you got stabbed by a pair of tweezers, you were late to class... What next? A volcano will erupt nearby?" Kayla's eyes bulged out of her sockets, as she took another bite of her salad.

I chewed furiously onto my burger, looking at her with regret. "Will you quiet down! Meg doesn't even know all of this. And if she did, she would literally burn me in hell."

"Why would she? It's not like she's been a good influence on you lately..." she rolled her eyes.

"Hush, that's my sister you're talking about. She has her habits. You have yours and I have mine." I said in defence. Although, Kayla had a point.

"All I'm saying is that it's hard to believe this. That's a crazy ass morning, if you ask me." she replied.

It was a Tuesday night at the infamous all-night diner that I loved. Yes, the same diner that I collapsed in. The joint was somewhat crowded and the smell of savouriness lingered around. Alana was working her night shift like usual.

When I walked in about an hour ago, she rushed over to me, yelling like an idiot. I wouldn't blame her, since she acted like my second mom. We talked for a few minutes to catch up and I told her how I've been lately, about everything. Well, I left out Mylo from the conversation.

"It was indeed a rowdy five am for me, and I completely failed that math exam by the way." I rolled my eyes, sighing as I slumped into the red cushions of the diner booth.

"Despite the long hours of studying?" Kayla questioned.

I cleared my throat, "You know me. I've always been bad at maths. I always will be."

"Well not everyone is good at everything, babe. You happen to be more artistic so don't be angry. Other people would love to have your talent." she smiled, poking my nose with her index finger. I giggled in response.

"What did I ever do to deserve a friend like you?"

"Stop it..." She blushed.

"Alright girls, one cookie dough milkshake and one traditional strawberry milkshake." Alana placed the scrumptious beverages on our table.

"Thank you!" My eyes widened as I took a sip of the content.

"Anytime!" she grinned.

"By the way, where's Meg? Her food has been sitting there for ten minutes." she asked, as she glanced at the untouched veggie burger beside me.

"She's probably still in the washroom doing her makeup. I'll go get her." I sighed, scooting off of the cushions.

I walked through the red door and saw Meg loudly talking on the phone.

"-Rhea, no I have to tell her." Her eyes drew to me.

"Uh, gotta go."

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