15. Pardon My Stress

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You guys are amazing! 16k reads? I'm literally tearing up. I remember writing chapter 1 of this book and only having 3 reads, now I'm up to 16 thousand?!? That's incredible! I love you all so so much! Thank you!

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Pardon My Stress

It's November, finally.

October was a hectic month, almost as if it lasted a year. A lot has happened in just thirty one days, I didn't expect none of it either. Camp Crown, the numerous times that Mylo and I had fought, being in a relationship with Brendan, my parents separating, Mylo apologizing– all of it was just a big, fat mess. I'm glad that it's over, thus we could move on to better things.

I almost forgot, but Alaska had apparently moved to Berlin because she's been accepted into a modelling contract for some magazine. My guess was that she moved away due to the embarrassing scenario that happened in the cafeteria awhile back, between her and Mylo. Whatever it was, I didn't care. I was just happy that she was out of our school for good. The only demon we're left with was Calista.

Recently, Mylo and I had finished our home economics project with the baby doll. We got an -A, which I'm not too fond of since I'm more of an +A student. On the other hand, Mylo was extremely happy that he started screaming in class. It was so unusual to see him remarkably giddy, ever. He's never gotten a grade above eighty before, so it was a real shocker to him. I did the majority of the project though.

Right now, Kayla and I were studying for our calc exam at my place. Well, we were trying to. When your bestfriend comes over, it's for sure that you won't get any studying done. Unless, you're highly disciplined people with nothing to talk about. On real terms, we've only studied for about an hour, but all of it has consisted of me crying because I didn't understand anything. I hated math with a passion and I've never been any good at it.

"I can't... I can't do this. I give up!" I groaned, slumping heavily into my sheets. I was slowly giving up, rethinking if school was worth it. If it was really worth waking up at 6:30 almost every morning, dreading the thought of associating with the people that I despised the most.

School was tomorrow, unfortunately. And so was my stupid exam.

"I'm so gonna fail this exam." Kayla sighed, as she took a pillow to scream in it.

"So will I. Who really wants to know what the value of x is? No one!" I shrugged.

It's fun being diagnosed with severe anxiety and having to constantly panic every second over the stupidest things. School happened to be my biggest weakness. Note the sarcasm.

"I say we run away to somewhere far and never come back." I suggested.

"I'm with you." Kayla piped in.

I huffed and walked over to my sound system, playing some music on a low level. My mind started to ease as 'Stateless' boomed through the stereo. They were obviously my stress reliever.

"Let's talk! I'm too stressed to study right now." she pleaded, popping a gummy worm into her mouth.

"Alright, about what?" I questioned her. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn, gorging it as if I haven't eaten in five years.

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