Chapter 1

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We were playing on the playground, running around while chasing each other. We decided to go on the swings after we got tired of running.

"Camz push me!" She yelled while she was sitting on the swing.

I giggle "okay. Hold on tight Lolo!" I start to push her lightly but then harder when she starts getting higher.

Lolo was giggling while I continued to push her "higher Camzy, higher!" I pushed her with all the strength my little arms could give.

I laughed as I stopped pushing her, walking around her so I was standing in front of her but a little distance away so I made sure I didn't get hit.

"Jump Lolo!" I giggled.

"No, I'll hurt myself" She said with a little worridness in her voice

"Awe come on, you can do it Lolo!" She thinks or a bit before nodding, getting excited again

"Okay..1..2...3..." She jumps off and lands a few feet in front of the swing she was on.

I laughed as I ran to her "Lolo that was- Lolo what's wrong?" I asked as she cried out in pain.

"My wrist, I landed on it. Camzy, it hurts" She looked at me with tearing falling, rolling down her cheeks.

I felt so bad, I convinced her do it and she got hurt.

"Lolo, I'm sorry" I kneel beside her, grasping her wrist gently. I placed a kiss on her wrist before looking at her

"there, I kissed it better" She looks at me with a smile and a light blush on her face

"Thanks Camz"

-End of Flashback-

Camila(10.24pm) : Who is this?. Sorry to come off so forward, but i found this random number laying in my room and i dont know who this is..?

Lauren(10.27pm) : Lauren. But i go by as Laur.

Camila(10.28pm) : I sadly dont recall knowing a Laur..../: Im sorry..

Lauren(10.30pm) : Its okay. I dont know how you would've found my number in your room... Maybe a mutal friend.

Camila(10.32pm) : Maybe. You're dorky(:

Lauren(10.39pm) : Thanks so whats your name?

Camila(10.40pm) : Camila but i go as Mila.

Lauren(10.45pm) : Such a beautiful name. I had a friend named Camila.../:

Camila(10.49pm) : Awee thanks Lauren (:

Lauren(10.50pm) : No problem (:

Camila(11.02pm) : Imma go to sleep though. School tomorrow/: Talk then?

Lauren(11.03pm) : Of course. Goodnight Mila.

Camila(11.13pm) : Goodnight Laur.

Childhood Memories- Camren FanficWhere stories live. Discover now