Chapter 27

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A/N: this is just a filler chapter since we haven't updated in a while. It's not edited. Enjoy 😊
Camila's POV:

I woke up to tapping on my door

I look up to find Lauren standing there with a huge grin on her face

"Hey sleeping beauty, time to wake up. We have a big day ahead of us" I groan and turn over

"What do you have planned?" I ask as I bring the blanket over my head

"Well..." Laur draws out as I feel her sit on the bed

"We're first going to the mall because I need new shoes. Then we're going get ice cream and walk around the park"

I slowly pull the blanket off of my head, looking at her with a light smile

"So a chill day?" I ask her while yawning

"Of course. Now, get your butt up. I'll be waiting in the car" Lolo says while walking to my room door

"No more than 30 minutes Camz, we're on a timed schedule" she yells as she walks out my room and out the front door

I get out of my bed and I start doing my morning routine, including taking a shower.

After I get dressed, I dry my hair and braid it before putting my signature bow on top of my head.

I walk out the house wearing some black ankle high boots, my high-waisted blue jeans, and a white crop top

"Wow, you look amazing" Lolo says while starting the car and driving out my drive way

"Thank you Lo. So do you" Lolo was wearing black ankle high boots, black jeans, and a plaid shirt with her hair down.

I took a minute just to take her all in, smiling to myself as I realize how lucky I am to have to have her as my best friend


Lauren's POV:

Once we get to the mall, I automatically interlace mine and Camila's hands together

She jumps a little but then relaxes. Our hands fit perfectly together, like they were made to be together

I smile to myself as we walk into Shoe Department

Camila lets go of my hand so she can explore

I already know what I'm coming in here for but I'll let Camz do a little looking around before I check out

After I grab the shoes I want, I walk overto Camz who is drooling over a pair of heels she sees

"Lo, look how beautiful these heels are!" She says in excitement

I laugh to myself a little "that they much Camz?" She looks at the price tag and gasps as her eyes grow big

"$4,495.00 for Jimmy Choo Women's Reign" Camzi sighs

"Well, next time" I smile at her as she walks way

I look at the shoes then I look at Camz again

"It's worth it.." I whisper to myself

I grab the shoes and I pay for them along with my own and I walk out the store with Camzi next to me

"Wanna get some food?" Camila nods silently as she looks sadly ahead of her towards the food court

When we finally sit down to eat our food, I pull out the shoe box and hand it to Camila

She looks at me wide eyed and in shock

"No way.." she whisper screams

I shrug at her and give her one of my signature smiles

She opens the box and she squeals, making some people turn their heads in our direction

"Thank you Lauren!!" She says while she gets up to hug me

"No problem. Think of it as a birthday present" she smiles brightly and I smile back at her

"Hey cutie" our moment was ruined when a random guy comes up to the table.

He looks to be in his twenties. He has short jet black hair, green eyes, straight white teeth, and looks to be in shape

"Uh, may I help you?" He doesn't look at me but continues to look at Camila, who is too busy looking at her new shoes I bought her, to notice

"Im talkin to her, not you" he retaliates,  which gets my blood boiling

Camzi finally looks up and studders "o-oh, who m-me?"

He nods and smiles "yeah, you're one beautiful girl"

"Uh, thanks" Camz takes some of her hair and tucks it behind her ear, hinding her face by looking down, giving me a sign that she's uncomfortable

He moves closer to her, resting his hand on the back of her chair

"Im Dylan, but you can call me D-Man" he winks at her and she moves back a little


"Yeah, she doesn't wanna talk to you man" I say getting more aggitated by the minute

Dylan looks at me and rolls his eyes "again, im not talking to you. Im talking to her" he goes back to smiling at her, making Camila squirm in her seat

"Well im talking to you" I say while getting out of my seat

"No leave her alone"

Dylan glares at me then steps up to me

"And if I don't what are you gonna do about it?" He smirks and raises an eyebrown

My hands ball into a fist and I take one glace at Camila before punching Dylan square in the face

He falls on his back, cluching his nose while moaning in pain

" don't mess with me or my girl, got it?" I say as I wrap my arm around Camil's shoulders, pulling her away from the scene and out of the mall

"Your girl huh?" Camz asks while smirking as we get to the car

"I have to let them know somehow" I wink at her before getting in and starting the car

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