Chapter 41

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*Lauren's Outfit for the date^*


Lauren's POV:

"Arms up" Ally says while her and Camz put the wire underneath my jacket

"Don't forget what we talked about Lo" Camila says as she touches up my hair as Ally finishes putting the wire on me

"I know Camzi" I look at her and smile

"Things will work out perfect. I promise" Camz says before she kisses my cheek. I smile at her before walking to the mirror to check myself. Once I see everything looks good, my Camz, and Ally all grab our stuff and walk out the house

~10 minutes later~
I walk into the restaurant to find Ashley sitting all the way in the back, next to windows that look out into the street.

I walk up to her and greet her with a smile

"Hey Lo" Ashley says as she gets up and gives me a small hug

"Hi" I calmly say before sitting into my seat.

"So, why did you all of a sudden ask me on this date?" She asks while she takes a sip of her drink that I'm just now noticing she ordered for us

"Well.. I realized that you were right when you said I need to give us another chance" I say as I look into her eyes, smiling

"I'm happy you finally did come to your sense. I thought I'd have to pay you guys a visit" Ashley chuckles a little

"Are you guys ready to order?" A man in his 30's asks us

"I'll have the bacon cheese burger with curly fries, everything on it" Ashley says as the waiter nods

"I'll have what she's having"

"Very well" He picks up our menus before leaving

"Start asking her questions about the crash" I hear Ally say into the ear piece

I clear my throat before speaking

"so Ashley, did you really not see the crash or were you just hiding that part out on me?" I smirk at her a little

She lets out a small chuckle "I really don't know what happened. I seen the cars after the crash then the cops and ambulances came and I jetted" I nod as she talks

"Why didn't you stay to help, or even see if any of us were okay?" Ashley looks at me for a few seconds before shrugging

"I have no real answer for that Lauren. I was scared and just left"

I nod again before looking out the window. I can see ally and Camz out in the car, watching from a distance. Camz looks up and me and smiles, and I give her a small smile back before turning back towards Ashley, to my surprise who was already looking at me.

I jump a little and she just smiles before the waiter comes back with our food

"Ahh, thank you" Ashley smile gets bigger and I take a sip of my drink nervously

We eat our food, having minimal conversation during the whole thing, which makes it a little awkward.

"Bring her in Lolo" Camz says. I swallow the last of my food, and I wait for Ashley to finish hers before saying

"Hey, I know this is our first date as a non couple, but do you wanna go with me somewhere?"

Ashley looks at me and nods "yeah, sure. Let's go"

We both get up and I pay for our food, which gives Camz and Ally time to move to the very back of the car.

Me and Ashley both walk to the car before getting in "where are we goin?" She asks as I buckle up and start the car

"Just sit back and relax" I tell her before driving off

~45 minutes later~

I turn on a dirt road, which causes Ashley to sit up in her seat

"Did you bring me out here to kill me?" She chuckles

"No, I would never" I laugh

"This place is beautiful" Ashley says as I park the car in front of a log cabin that Normani let us use

"I know, I love it here" I turn off the car before getting out and going around to Ashley's side. I open the door and she steps out, still looking amazed at the cabin

"Let's go" I walk Ashley up the stairs and into the cabin. She gasps and looks around before venturing into the kitchen

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Water would be nice" I nod as I grab a glass out of the cabinet, putting a sleeping pill into the glass before filling it halfway with water

I make sure the pill dissolves before giving the water to her. We both sit at the kitchen table as she take a big drink from the water

"What're we doing here?" The blonde asks

"Thought we could spend some alone time here" Ashley smiles at me for a few seconds before her smile slowly fades

I turn my head to the side a little, noticing her eyes getting droopy "what's wrong Ash?"

She yawns before answering "I'm really tired all of a sudden"

Normani and Dinah come from the room behind Ashley and tie her to the chair

"Wh-what's going on?" Ashley says before Dinah punches her in the face, completely knocking her out

"Really D? You couldn't have just waited til the pill took its full affect?" I ask as Ally and Camila walk into the house

"Why is she bleeding?" Camz asks as Normani lifts Ashley's head

"Dinah punched her" Mani says before going to the sink to get a glass of water

"Really Cheechee?" Dinah shrugs

"Alright, step back guys" Mani says before throwing the water in Ashley's face

"Wakey wakey"

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