Chapter 16

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Lauren (3.48pm): Camila?..

Lauren (4.23pm): Camz please text me back...

Lauren (5.12pm): Camila Im sorry but I had to tell you. Please believe me...

Camila (8.31pm): I dont know what to say.

Lauren (8.35pm): Im so sorry... But you need to believe me. Look answer some questions.

Camila (8.36pm): What questions.

Lauren (8.38pm): Do you have a scrapbook its purple and says Camila Cabello aka Camz?

Camila (8.40pm): Yes. I think so.

Lauren (8.42pm): open it and there will be a picture of two kids and the description will say Lolo my bestfriend. And it will have who i am and stuff. You wrote it before the accident. You were moving in a month so you wrote it.

Camila (9.03pm): Lauren

Lauren (9.05pm): do you believe me now? Camzi, I promise you, I'm not lying. I know it's a lot to take in, but I wouldn't lie to you

Camila (9.06pm): I believe you Lolo...I can't believe my parents kept this from me..

Camila (9.06pm): I can't believe they kept me from my best friend...

Lauren (9.10pm): I'm so sorry this happened Camz. We need to figure out why our parents don't like each other. We need answers...

Camila (9.11pm): I'm sorry I didn't believe you Lolo

Lauren (9.15pm): it's okay Camila. I understand. We need to meet up soon though, to figure this out

Camila (9.17pm) I'm gonna try to talk to my mom, see if she tells me herself.

Lauren (9.18pm): alright. Let me know how it goes..

Camila (9.18pm): I will

Childhood Memories- Camren FanficWhere stories live. Discover now