Chapter 8

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Lauren (2:46am): I can't sleep. I keep thinking that there was more to what you were telling me earlier.

Lauren (2:51am): are you sure you just didn't wanna see me?

Lauren (2:59am): it feels that way...anyway, I guess I'll go to sleep now. Night Camz.

Camila (10:32am): ....yes there is more. How about me meet today, since it's Saturday, at Starbucks again? This time I promise I'll be there.

Lauren (11:00am): okay...

Camila (11:02am): how about 1:30ish?

Lauren (11:03am): sounds like a plan.


It's 1:15pm and I've just finished getting ready to meet Lauren. I'm honestly scared shit less. Hopefully she likes me...


Lauren (1:29pm): Im at the table in the back, next to the window.

Lauren's POV:

I look at my phone for the third time. It's 1:39pm, and she's still not here. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her again.

I sighed as I checked my phone one last time before standing up and grabbing my things.

I heard the bell of the door ring, and I looked up

There she is...

She's standing there in white skinny jeans and a blue flannel that's tied at her waistline, with her white converse.

Her hair is curled perfectly and she has a black bow placed neatly on her head.

She's looking around shyly until our eyes meet and she smiles.

I smile back nervously before taking my seat again.

She walks over to me and sits at the table across from me.

"Hi..." She says shyly.

"Hi Camz..." She blushes and looks down. I smile at her brightly.

"Your eyes really even more beautiful in person" She let's out and this time it's my turn to blush.

"Well thank you" She nods before clearing her throat.

"Okay, I thinks it's time for me to explain the real reason I didn't show the last time."

I look at her intently before nodding, resting my elbows on the table, giving her my full attention.

"So.." she starts before taking in a deep breath then letting it out, running her hand through her long black hair.

"I was scared. Scared that you wouldn't like me or you would take one look at me and decide that I'm ugly and you wouldn't wanna have anything to do with me."

She stops and looks away again. I wait a minute before speaking.

"Camz, look at me" it takes her a few minutes but once our eyes meet, I can see how insecure she is.

I reach over the table to grab her hand.

"Camz, you're amazing and beautiful. It's hard not to like your goofy self" I smile lightly at her before continuing.

"Trust me Camz, i do like you. You're fun to text and I'm sure you're really fun to hang out with. You can be yourself with me Camz. I wouldn't want you any other way." She blushes and smiles brightly.

"Thanks Lo."

"No problem Camzi. Now let's enjoy our 'date' " I wink at her while she giggles.


Camila (5:42pm): I had fun today (:

Lauren (5:44pm): Me too. We have to do it again soon.

Camila (5:45pm): of course!

Camila (5:45pm): I can't believe that waiter tried flirting with you! He was winking and everything hahahaha!

Lauren (5:47pm): right! If only he knew I batted for the other team (;

Camila (5:50pm): yeah, if only...anyway, I have to go Laur. My mom wants to have a movie night with me and Sofi.

Lauren (5:51pm): Okay Camz. Have fun (:

Camila (5:52pm): I will! (:


A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry it took a while for us to update. Me n Megan have been dealing with some stuff, and we had writer's block for a while.

Thank you guys for waiting (: Hope you liked this chapter. It was a little different so..yeah. Let us know what you think (:


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