Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV:

I make it to Camila's house in less than 10 minutes, wanting to know exactly what she was talking about. Ashley Reign sounds very familiar, but I can't really pin point exactly who she is.

"So who exactly is she?" I ask Camz

"Laur, how can you not remember her?" Camz said while she sat next to me on her couch. I look at her confused

"She was your ex Laur, remember? She was that sweet girl who always was friendly with everyone and had a HUGE crush on you so you gave her a chance" then that's when it clicked

"Oh yeah! We didn't really work out because she let guys touch all on her, and I got mad. She told me she didn't even like them in that way but I couldn't handle the jealousy" I tell Camila while shrugging nonchalantly

Camila nods and takes a sip of her water before placing it on the table

"Apparently she was at the crash when it happened, but she told the police that she didn't see who hit who. All she saw was the two vehicles smashed before the ambulance came"

I take a minute to think before I ask "Maybe we could find out where she lives so we can ask her questions personally?"

Camzi shrugs "Sounds like a good idea, but how in the hell are we going to find that out?"

I smirk "I gotta plan"

"I'm telling you, this isn't going to work Lolo"

"Shh Camz, believe in the Jauregui process" I wink at her and she laughs while rolling her eyes "but if it doesn't work then I got a plan B"

Me and Camz walk into the high school and walk towards the office

"stay here" I tell her while we're by some lockers and a janitor's closet. I walk the rest of the way to the office and I see one of my favorite people in this school, Linda Turner. She's the secretary and she was always looking after me to make sure I was always in my place

"Hey Linda, long time no see" I tell her

"Lauren, hi! how are you?" she asks surprised but happily

"I'm as good as I can be. Trying to figure some things out. But listen, is it possible for me to get a file of one of the students that goes here?" I ask Linda, putting my prize winning smile on

"I'm sorry Lauren, I can't release student information to anyone but the parents of that student" I groan lightly

"You can't just do this for me? All I need is the address" She looks at me for a moment, contemplating if she really should. After a few second, she sighs and shakes her head

"I'm sorry Lauren, I just can't" I nod gently before tapping my hand on the desk

"It's alright Linda, thanks anyway"

I walk back to Camila and she smirks when she sees that I'm empty handed

"Told you the 'Jauregui process' wouldn't work" she crosses her arms and leans against the locker, crossing one foot over the other

I roll my eyes at her jokingly "yeah, yeah, but I have a plan B" I smirk at her while telling her the plan

Soon enough Camila walks up to the office and starts to talk to Linda about any "missing homework" she has. While she was distracting Linda, I slowly and quietly walk through the side door and into the back room where they keep the files of the students.

I slowly walk around to where the letter "R" was and I dug through the file cabinet until I found Ashley's name

"5647 East Julien it" I whispered to myself. I put the file back and I slowly make my way back out of the office. Camz notices me and ends her conversation with Linda before walking out to meet me

"I got it. We'll go after school ends"  Camz nods while we make it back to the car


A/N: the next two or so chapters are going to kind of be fillers until we get to the big "secrete". I'm so happy that you all are still sticking around to read this book. It may seem boring right now but I promise you, it's going to get better. Thank you all for staying here with us through this.

-love Shay

Im sorry guys that ive been so inactive. Theres been alot going on. Hope y'all can bear with me. And us. We appreciate it so much and love you all so incredibly much. -all my love Megan (:

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