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"What were you thinking disobeying a higher command like that?" The Director growls from behind his desk.

The group fidgets before the man; they haven't even give him the debriefing yet and he's already angry. Dang, word really does travel fast here.

"You." He points straight at Yumi. "You now have twenty extra hours of training as punishment and are hereby benched until further notice. You are dismissed, get out of my office."

Yumi stares at him surprise. "Are you serious?"

His glare definitely tells her he is. She crosses her arms and heads for the door. "Fine, it's not like I saved a bunch of people anyway."

Yumi slams the door shut, not bothering with elegance or politeness.

Moon Envoy appears beside her swinging his crescent moon shaped scythe casually as they walk. "Why are you getting so worked up?"

"All that training and all that talk about needing me so much and they're going to keep me locked up here even longer!" Yumi fumes, ignoring all the people giving her weird stares as she passes by.

"Have you considered the mission?' The Dark Magician asks as Yumi takes a short cut to get to the dorm rooms.

She reaches her door in no time at all and punches in her code. The metal door slides open. She storms in and plops on her bed, the dim lights humming to life as the door slides shut once more.

"What about it?"

"He didn't even wait to listen to the rest of the debriefing with you present. He heard about the mysterious figure who seemed to have this whole trap set up for you and your acting against the other figure." The Dark Magician pauses to ponder. "He doesn't come across as the type to make a decision without a reason."

Yumi crosses her arms and pouts. "I still don't like this. We should be finding out why this guy would want to set us up like that."

She sits up and pulls her cards from her pouch, holding the soft paper in her hands she stares at the reflective images.

"Everyone thought I was dead until today...this doesn't make sense." Gold light surrounds the cards and they flew out to hover in the air. She counts them all, a sigh of relief coming when she finds she has all of her cards. She flicks her wrist and the cards fly over and settle on the bed in five neat piles.

Her thoughts start whirling around her head with all of the possible scenarios and reasons running around in her head. It's not she didn't see her fair share of over obsessed fans when she was working for Konami, so maybe this is some kind of elaborate show of affection? Or maybe this is some kind of test from the division themselves? Or maybe...

"Do you think they could have someone working on the inside here and that's how they knew I'm still alive?"

The other Duel Monsters around her exchange glances with each other, but say nothing. It's too weird to see them not have anything to say. They really must have been worried.

A knock rings out coming from the other side of the door.

Yumi looks over curiously. That's weird, no one except Danny comes to visit her and he usually just pops in after asking if she looks decent. Yumi quickly looks around the bare narrow room. Nothing embarrassing is lying around and the safe on the other side of her bed is locked, so she hops out of bed.

"Careful, Yumi." Amazoness Sage cautions.

Yumi pauses. Maybe she should have one of the Duel Monsters peek out and see who it is. She shakes her head, what is she doing? She's letting unnecessary paranoia get to her. After gathering her wits together she pressed the release button to open the door.

She stares up surprise. "Director? What do you want?"

The man shoves one of the defense tablets in her hands and simply replies with. "Watch this."

She arches a brow and presses the play symbol on the pad, allowing the Newscaster to tell their tale:

"This just in, Konami's late spokeswoman Raven Thyme returned to the public eye as not in fact dead but very much alive. She's  taking the world by storm with her new hero persona, and going by the name 'Queen of Games.'

Shortly after returning to the spotlight Konami received yet another shocker when their other character spokeman, Maximillion Pegasus, was declared kidnapped. Just a few moments ago we received a copy of the ransom video sent to the company. The Konami company has asked us to air the video in hopes that their former employee, Queen of Games, would come forward and offer assistance in the recovery of Maximillion Pegasus."

Yumi pauses the video; she doesn't need to watch the rest of it. Her answer is already decided. She looks up at the Director. "I want in."

"There isn't a rescue in place," he replied.

Yumi slammed the tablet into his chest, her cheeks puffed in anger. "There is now. I want the techies to get a hold of that video and trace it back to its source. We need to find Pegasus."

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