Trading Cards

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Yumi asks for the fourth time since meeting up with Danny.

"I told ya Yumi, I'm good," Danny reassures her. "When I jumped I missed the blast and popped up behind it. I got to see the whole maze wrap around the blast and protect everyone from it. Most of it anyway. It was so cool! The Duel Monsters are so powerful and awesome!"

"Yeah, they sure are," Yumi agrees halfheartedly. It shouldn't be a surprise to her that whoever this guy is is coming after her. Who wouldn't want to control someone who has an army of powerful beings at their fingertips? The thought makes her shudder.

"Are you okay?" Danny asks her.

She flashes a small smile. "Yeah, just worried about finding Pegasus. If he's really somewhere in the city, we could be so close to saving him.

"So why are you guys just standing around? Let's move." Mika and Ben run up to them all dressed in their usual agent gear.

Yumi double checks her own outfit and the blue suit is still in tact. Her white shirt holds a dirt stain here and there, but overall not too bad. "R-Right, we should go."

"Good luck guys!" Their friend calls after them.

The garage of vehicles once again stretches out before them and Ben leads the way to the proper car they get to take.

The car roars to life and they take off, flying underneath the rising garage door and making it with mere inches between the two. The path stretches on, the paved road slowly starting to be illuminated by the rising sun.

What a strange time she woke up at.

Yumi smiles and looks over at the looming city sky line. The city is a buzz with life. The shinning lights against the hazy blue backdrop is serene and yet menacing in its own right.

Somewhere within those shinning buildings is Pegasus and Yumi isn't going to rest until they rescue him.

"This feels like a trap," The Dark Magician warns when his spirit form appears in the open seat between Yumi and Danny.

Maybe it is, but they don't have a choice. Yumi owes it to Pegasus to save his life; he's her friend and mentor...and it's her fault he was kidnapped.

"We're entering the city," Ben announces.

Yumi looks up at the towering buildings of the city before closing her eyes. In her minds eye the buildings are a dark blue and purple. The city stretches out below her as if she's flying and looking down at it from above. A golden square ignites on the edge of the city, moving forward in time with their car. All around the city small squares ignite scattered in and around the buildings. In some there are tons of cards gathered together and in others more separated.

She focuses, calls out to a particular set of cards, to particular spirits. Then the lights begin to dim and only a small number remain. Most of the sets remaining are surrounded by dim lights. There. In one particular building merely blocks away is a deck, not just a card or two like the others, but an entire deck composed of the one and only Toon World Duel Monsters.

Yumi gasps as she's suddenly brought back to reality, eyes fluttering open. "I got him! I can sense his cards in a building west of here on the edge of the city."

"How in the world do you know that?" Mika asks.

Yumi bites her lower lip. "It's a trick Pegasus and I were testing before I was *brought* here. I've never used it in the field before, but now I know it works. Trust me, his deck is here."

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