Trap Card

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Yumi groans and sits up, squinting into the shine of the sun. She holds her head, attempting to stop the spinning of the world.

The world! Where is she?! She looks around in confusion, still within sight is the bench she was just standing at. The bag is gone and so is the teleporter, but she isn't? That's great, but what happened?

"That was the coolest thing ever!" Yumi jumps and finds Danny suddenly sitting down beside her. "I didn't know you could do that!"

She arches a brow, her left fist grips the cool grips blades of the grass as if doing so will ground her and make the spinning stop. "What are you talking about?"

"That trap card!" Danny exclaimed with eyes practically sparkling from excitement. "You never said you could use them on yourself like that; that was awesome!"

"What?!" A card lays beside her facing down on the ground. She grabs it and looks at it curiously. "Slip of Fortune. A trap card."

In the card game, the trap card allows her to negate an attack on one of her monsters by removing them from play.

No wonder she feels nauseous, you can't remove a human from play but apparently they could be hurled around the park.

"It was so cool! One second the girl has you and then you disappear in this really awesome blue flash of light. She like totally freaked out and disappeared. Then bam! You appear out of nowhere over here. That was so cool!" Danny concludes yet again.

"No, that was incredibly dangerous actually."

Yumi and Danny both jump and stare at the Duel Monster that suddenly appears before them. Her hair shines like fire, silver eyes shinning with worry and anger. She looks no more older than them in her black and silver armor decked out with red jewels. Prophecy scrolls wrap around her neck like a scarf and hang from her belt and the end of her armor shorts. Her red glove colored hands tap on the massive battle axe she holds before her, its lion face features seeming more angry today than normal.

Yumi glances down at her hand, not finding a card there. She opens her Duel Monster pouch to find one of the cards glowing, Strength of Prophey's card if she has to give a guess. "Pro? What's wrong?"

The Duel Monster cracks a smile at the nickname only to quickly furrow her eye brows and purse her lips. "That was an incredibly dangerous thing for you to do Yumi."

"But I didn't even mean to do it!" Yumi insists. "All I remember is watching her make the bag disappear and then panicking when her hand came towards me. It was an accident, honest."

Pro adjusts her silver circlet causing the black and silver arm band to flap on her arm. "Regardless of the intention, you must be cautious when using those spell and trap cards on yourself. Some hats or a shield are one thing, but that one would have sent one of us back to our spirit forms which you don't have."

"So where did I go?" Yumi asks as if Pro had all the answers.

"I don't know." She confesses. She may have the gift of prophecy, but that doesn't mean she knows everything. "We all sensed you disappear and then reappear, the event was similar to your coma only it felt different somehow."

Yumi crosses her arms. "Oh, well that's just great."

Pro kneels down, her scrolls flowing in the wind as she does. "Do not fret Miss Yumi, I still foresee many great things in your future...However, I do recommend you refrain from using such cards on yourself from now on."

"Consider it totally noted," Yumi replies half-heartedly. Already her mind is off thinking about a million of things at once.

Pro smiles and stands, finding satisfaction in the action.

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