To the Rescue

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"The ones who sent the video used am anonymous IP address so I can't find their location that way, but using the video I can definitely get some clues to narrow our search..." Digit yaps away about background noise and reflections while Yumi stands quietly in the back of the room.

Konami's US headquarters had once been considered something close to home. Her training and living wing is now newly renovated to be an experimental lab for the hologram technology they are developing for everyone to use, and everything feels foreign compared to the living conditions she is growing accustomed to.

Even after being declared alive the dark blue walls of the building still hold framed pictures of Yumi and the Duel Monsters. Just like a proud parent, Konami still takes joy in knowing that their Duel Monsters are being brought to life. Their investors sure loved the rise in profits that came with all the publicity.

The spellcaster Duel Monsters are working furiously in the other room to try and locate Pegasus with a locating spell. It must not be going well, because she can feel their frustration blasting through the walls. Hopefully nothing else comes through the walls.

"Have there been any other videos?" Yumi asks, growing uneasy at seeing Pegasus's fearful face. She's so used to his arrogant mask that this actually makes her uncomfortable to see anything but that.

She shuffles her cards nervously in her hands, several of them emitting a soft gold glow.

"No, this was the only one we have received." Davis looks over at Yumi. "Will you cooperate with their demands?"

Their demands. The demands that the Queen of Games take fifty million dollars to a park not too far from the Konami building.

It didn't sit right with the Division that this kidnapping had so many ties to Yumi. This is no coincidence.

"Of course I will," Yumi replies with no hesitation. She owes a lot to Pegasus, even if he never revealed his true identity, he is one of the few people she truly trusts.

Danny moves closer to the pair, still dressed in his mission outfit and eyebrows furrowing in worry. "I don't know Yumi, this feels too much like a trap."

"And if it is these guys can lead us to Pegasus." Danny opens his mouth to protest, but Yumi cuts him off before he can. "It's my fault he was taken. I have to get him back."

She jumps as Gravekeeper's Spy suddenly phases through the navy colored wall. "The magicians were unsuccessful in locating Mr. Pegasus. They believe the captures have found a way to cloak him from their location spells."

"Them and every kind of locator we've hired," Davis remarks with bitterness in his tone. Psychics, locators, mind readers, name it and they have tried it with no success.

"Is there such a thing as a shield power that neutralizes powers?" Danny asks Digit.

Her watches lights up and dings less than five seconds later. "Tons; physical, mental, and both. We probably have a both type working on this."

Yumi remains silent while the others talk over what to do and Digit begins explaining where she thinks Max is. Her eyes wander around the small room with its large screen still displaying Pegasus' disheveled silver hair and panic stricken eyes. There isn't much else in the room next to the desk with other tech gadgets stationed below the screen.

Yumi pokes at her own watch, activating it's screen. The option to call someone is the first to appear. She declines and makes her way to the carousel of options on the tiny screen. She stops at an icon displaying a picture frame.

The most recent pictures of Danny and the Duel Monsters are the first to load. There at the very end of the picture line up are the pictures of her and Max training, dueling (more like Max schooling her on how to win), spending time together, and lots of meal selfies.

Yumi closes the picture scroll with a soft sigh. She got her mentor and friend into this, she has to get him out.

The phone rings.

"The drop time is approaching. We have the tagged money ready and tagged in a car waiting downstairs," Davis explains when the call is done.

"What if the shield cancels out the locating tracker I put in it?" Digit asks in concern. She has been against sendig Yumi in from the beginning. "It can fool other tech, but I haven't made one that stands against powers."

"It will be okay Digit," Yumi reassures her. "Just keep your eye on the tracker. If it shuts off as least we can narrow down the search a bit."

Talking confidently is something Yumi is getting good at. Actually feeling the same level of confidence is still a work in progress.

"I'll be just a few feet away from you the whole time. I'll have you out of there in a heart beat if things go wrong," Danny tells her. "You'll also have a mic and ear piece on so Digit can record everything that happens."

"Thanks." Yumi doesn't trust herself enough to say any more. Everyone being so nervous is really starting to freak her out. She doesn't like it.

"Don't look so worried," Dark Magician girl teases. "We'll be with you the whole time."

Yumi does her best to muster a smile, torn more than ever to be worried or not. "Right."

Less than twenty minutes later Yumi finds herself sitting at a bench in the middle of the park. It's like a scene out of a movie. The park is filled with undercover agents, cops, and curious people of the public.

By now everyone has seen the video so everyone knows this is where the drop is supposed to go down. That part is too suspicious too. Why make a scene like this? What kind of goal are these people working toward?

"Did you bring the cash?"

Yumi jumps and looks over at the girl who suddenly appeared beside her. Crap. A teleporter. She should have expected that.

"It's under the bench like you wanted, now where is Pegasus?"

The girl keeps her eyes on Yumi as she reaches down and touches the bag causing it to disappear in an instant. Crap. That so isn't good.

"Konami will get their precious mascot back. We got what we wanted," the girl explains.

Yumi can't help herself as curiosity gets the better of her. Why do all of this? All for some money?"

"It was never about the money Queen of Games; it's always been about you."
Before Yumi can reach her pouch, the girl's hand is on her shoulder and the whole world turns to black.

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