Sweet Heat

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Before you knew it you were nodding your head, your body taking control over your actions. A small smile had crossed his features, leaving you dumbfounded at the fact that he even could. He usually wore disgusted or angry looks, but this smile, this beautiful white smile melted your heart. You smiled back at him warmly, still covering your body. There were no bubbles in the water and you were almost certain he could see every curve of your figure, but you covered up the most important parts of course.

"Scoot over then." He said, standing back up and relieving himself of his clothes. You blushed and looked away, giving him privacy though you were sure he didn't care. While not trying to stare at the man, you did as he said and scooted forward and turned around so that he had the other side. You could hear the water slosh as Subaru got in and sat down in front of you. Heat rose to your cheeks as you brought your knees up, bending and crossing your legs  so that he couldn't see anything. You stared at the water, trying to calm your nerves.

"That's not what I meant." He stated, grabbing your legs and pulling you closer to him. You squeaked as he turned you around and sat you near his lap, your back touching his chest. Your blush deepened and you shivered from the sudden contact. His cold flesh, now heated from the water, warmed your skin as he pressed against you. "That's better."

He kissed the back of your neck and touched the side of it. Then you realized that you were still covered in blood. Oh goodness.  You thought as he stroked your neck. You winced from the soreness and you felt him stop for a second and then proceed to caress you. "I'm sorry." He whispered in you ear, his breath fanning across your neck and face.

You saw his hand reach out and cup some water, bringing it back up and pouring it onto your neck. The water drizzled down your throat and collarbone as he tried to gently wash the dried blood from you. It hurt but you weren't going to complain, especially if Subaru was doing something this sweet.

Your arms were crossed across your chest as he continued to clean you, the now wet blood swirling in the water lightly. You could barely see it and, for some reason, you thought it was beautiful. Now finished with his work, Subaru then kissed your clean throat, apologizing if it hurt.

But you were slightly confused as to why he was being this sweet anyway. Wasn't this the same vampire that would punch holes in the walls if you angered or frustrated him in the slightest. What was up with him? Why you?  You wondered silently as he wrapped his arms across your chest and lay his head on your back. Why indeed.

Yay! This chapter is finished for you guys. I had fun writing this cute bath scene. Wonder what will happen next? Then please stay for the ride because you just might enjoy it.

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