"I Like You,"

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After the two of you had gotten dressed Reiji made sure to scold you both extensively. It actually tired you out, but you didn't let that show, fearful that Reiji would get angrier than he already was. He let Subaru off first, leaving you and Reiji alone. You knew that Reiji despised you as he lectured you about manners and what you should and shouldn't do throughout the mansion.

He eventually stopped and let you go on your way. Reiji really knew how to give an exhausting lecture. Your head throbbed from all the information that the purple haired vampire pumped into your brain. It actually hurt. You knew that lunch would be soon but you were to sleepy to care and you weren't that hungry anyway.

After some time you made it to your room and plopped on the bed, your body making a creased indentation. You closed your eyes and fisted your hands in the sheets while curling your body to get comfortable. At least you felt clean going to bed this time. The soft blankets rubbed against you S/C skin comfortably as you nuzzled them.

You then felt more weight being pressed onto the bed and you instantly opened your eyes and sat up, fully awake now. "Tch, calm down." The agitated vampire said as he curved his arm around you and brought you back down onto the bed with him.

"Subaru?" You questioned him, curious as to why he was in your bedroom again.

"Shut up and sleep." He said in a frustrated voice and brought you close to his cold body. His coolness chilled your warm body as he cuddled you. Doing this made you blush but nuzzle and snuggle him back.

"Okay," Was your reply as you closed your eyes again and wrapped your arms around his torso. His fresh scent was soothing, mostly because he smelled of soap, but still. "I like you," You mumbled into his  neck as you slowly drifted off into sleep, not caring what you said for now.

Woot woot! Getting adorable in here readers!<3 I can't wait to write the next chapter and remember that I will try to write as much as possible for all of you. I thank each and every one of you for staying with me this far along and for being so patient with me. You give me so much motivation that my heart aches. THANK YOU!<3

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