Authors Note ;-;

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First off i'd like to sincerely apologize for my absence and I genuinely feel awful about. How long has it been? Five years since I updated? Gosh..... Well now for the reason for my absence. I had to go to the hospital somewhat after my last update and unfortunately it turns out that I have a breathing problem. My lungs don't do so well, therefore I am unable to do things with much effort such as swim. And I say swim because that is how I found out of my problem. You see, after my last update I went to the lake with my family and I, of course, went swimming with them. Though the distance was quite long. I had almost drowned because of my new found inability and had to be hospitalized. I also evidently have a heart problem believe it or not but I shant go into much detail about it. But yes that is quite sadly the reason I was unable to do anything for a bit.

Anyway, I know i've dragged on long enough about this so let's go back into the stories shall we? Now, I should be able to update tomorrow, or later today for that is quite late. But thank you so much for reading this very long notification if you did. Just remember that I have not forgotten any of you and I still love you all! Muah!!! *hugs every single one of you* See you all very soon my lovelies~



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