Ch.8: A bad memory

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Mathias walked into a Knights room when he pulled a lever. A fire lamp that was golden, it looked old but a book shelf on the wall in between so many shields and knives and weapons, flipped, Arthur gazed at the hidden passage way excited and astounded!
But he looked into the passageway...and he saw nothing but darkness
Mathias looked back at the Royal Couple and smirked, "ya sure you wanna come along?" He asked Arthur.
"I-I'll come along! Don't question my decision" Arthur said embarrassed with fear.
Mathias looked at Alfred and laughed. "You have one tough Queen at your side. Kind of like your mummy but your mummy didn't like it in here" he said as he turned and began walking down into the abyss.
As they walked down, Mathias held a torch of fire, one that only lit up small bits of the room. It seemed like they had walked forever when suddenly screams were being heard. Arthur flinched in fear but Alfred grabbed arthurs hand. "I'm sorry you have to go down here" he murmured. Arthur sighed,
"you're my King, it is my Job as Queen to understand you...not completely but enough, Love"
Alfred smiled kindly at Arthur when Mathias stopped. He whistled lightly when a cat showed up. It looked like a cat, but it sort of lit up, like...some source of magic. Lit up with light purple magic, and the little cat started walking them, almost guiding them to a room. When it disappeared.
"That's Lukas's magical cat thing. It's cute! But....sort of....deadly with intruders" he said as he opened the room. Inside the room was a man who was chained, his lip broken and his face bruised up. His clothes tattered up and he smirked.
"You brought the bitch here huh?" He spoke out.
"What?" Arthur asked
Mathias handed the torch to Alfred and walked up to the man that was chained. Punched him, letting blood come out his nose. "Damn! That hurts" Mathias complained cracking his knuckles
The man who was chained up, spit blood out and raised his head to look at Arthur, "Arthur Kirkland, right! The bitch I have heard so much about?" He said
Mathias was about to punch the guy again when Arthur spoke out, "and who are you?" He asked calmly
"A subject of his majesty, the colorless king" the man said.
"No. I mean your name." Arthur asked again, his tone more serious.
"Me? James. Y'know I was thinking that if you were dead....the alliance of the kingdoms would break....but somehow you fucking lived. You bastard." James the prisoner complained.
"He's been complaining about the kingdoms Union and you, Queenie since we started... 'Interviewing' him" Mathias said as the door opened and tino came in. The short blond boy, with kind blue eyes. He smiled at the king and queen and looked at the prisoner,
"I'm sorry that he's so rude. We have tried to teach him a lesson, but the most we have gotten out of him is the society that wants the Queens dead" tino informed as he walked to a table that held tools of torture. Arthur shivered in fear and Alfred stayed quiet, his face showed seriousness and no sign of fear but rather anger.
The prisoner gazed up at Arthur and laughed darkly. "You can torture me, skin me alive, and rip me to pieces as much as you want but let me tell you this. The Spades Queen will die, as well as the other Queens. The Kings will hold no power and die. society will rot until there is no more color. That is when the colorless king will arise and He with His power will rule a fair place"
Arthur clenched his fists. "How bloody dare you! Your King as he calls himself, will be stomped on by me. And I will crush him to ashes. You understand? He will have no mercy from me or anyone. Because I will personally kill him before he dares touch anyone I hold precious too" Arthur replied with a harsh tone. He turned his back and held the door knob. When the prisoner spoke for the last time. "He wanted to tell me to tell you, Arthur... 'Do you remember Geoffrey? He was a stupid boy'" The prisoner said with the biggest grin that could send anyone shivers. Arthur clenched his fists.
"God forgive me." He whispered lightly when fire began burning the man. The man yelled in fear and pain but began laughing cruelly, Alfred gazed at Arthur. Scared for dear life sake, when he watched arthurs eyes let go of a tear. The Queen had shown that he had powerful magic. Mathias stood back and closed his eyes, waiting for the man to die. Tino did the same, they both had seen war and death, so they had no more to fear.
Arthur opened the door and walked out of the room, as he wiped his tear.
He remembered Geoffrey, the boy who had died in his arms, the boy had been arthurs personal delivery boy and young friend. Arthur cared for the boy A lot and seeing him die made him isolate people and become anti social at some point. He remember the afternoon that Geoffrey had ran towards Arthur, running away from the fires that burned his village and the fires that had taken his parents. The civil war that had broken out because someone had suggested to throw away the Monarchy. The monarchy had had no problems with the people but one day a man had arisen and spoken lies that the King himself had killed his comrades. They were lies because "his comrades" had never existed. Geoffrey had ran towards Arthur for safety when he had been shot down. With an arrow, as if the young boy had been nothing but a piece of meat. Arthur ran towards Geoffrey holding him in his arms, crying. The boy smiled lightly at Arthur and held onto the young Lord when the boy said his last words. "Don't cry mistah Arthur, I'll be fine in the heavens with the fairies you talk about so much" and with those concluding words, the young boy fell silent, his gray resilient eyes had faded. Arthur yelled out in horror, his hands had been stained with Geoffrey's blood, and so Arthur looked up. That man, had stayed to watch and the last thing Arthur remembered was his smirk and those last words of the murderer. "He was a stupid boy anyways"
*end of flashback*

Arthur sat at his desk, looking through paperwork, alone in his room when the joker Gilbert appeared and Emma. "You met the guy huh?" Gilbert asked, leaning on the wall. Emma flew towards Arthur and sighed.
"Don't look sad Arthur, you did nothing wrong"
"I met the bloody bastard. And I-" Arthur began saying when he remember that he had killed that man. Gilbert looked at Arthur and sighed.
"You did nothing wrong, his time was fated to come sooner or later. And mostly sooner"
"BUT I KILLED HIM. IM A MONSTER" Arthur yelled out, looking at the ground in shame
"I have seen worse in previous wars but, aren't ya getting married?" Gilbert asked
Arthur blushed, "yes...." A knock at the door,
"Hey....its Alfred, Arthur. Come on dude talk to me. You have been locked in there for 3 days already! Man! Francis keeps asking me about you! And Yao is mad at me for not working diligently! But how am I suppose to think when you aren't around?" Alfred complained like a child. Gilbert and Emma smirked at each other and left. Arthur opened the door and gazed at Alfred,
"what do you want git?"
"Wha-what! This is the hello I get after 3 days?? I don't even get a hug or a kiss..."Alfred complained looking away, his cheeks slightly blushing in embarrassment. Arthur sighed and got on his tippy toes, since he was shorter. He kissed Alfred in the lips and smiled.
"You happy now?" He asked him
"No! I think I deserve more" Alfred complained as he pulled Arthur into the room.

The make out session between the two, had caused Arthur to be more embarrassed and blushy around people who asked about their relationship. He never knew how to respond but Alfred always knew. He always grabbed his hand and kissed it lightly, causing Girls to blush because well....the gayness was cute.
Soon the wedding would arrive.

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