Ch.23: remembering hurts

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Alfred rode the carriage peacefully. Arthur looked out of place, and almost as if he wasn't there.
"Arthur? Are you okay?" Alfred began asking when he gazed at his Queens face. A tear streaming down his face. "Arthur? Arthur. What's wrong?" Alfred asked worried
Arthur came back to reality and cleaned the tears from his face,
"I'm....alright....I was much it hurts to love someone to the point you die for them" Arthur said as more tears began streaming down his face. Yao began panicking as he gazed at his Queen.
"Arthur-aru? Please tell us what's wrong-" Yao began saying when he noticed the pendant. "When did you get that?" Yao asked
Arthur took off the pendant and handed it to Yao. "Keep it. I don't want it hurts to remember" Arthur began saying as his voice began cracking. Alfred stretched out his hand to Arthur, about to touch his face when Arthur turned away.
"I....need...some space....I'm really hurt...right now" Arthur mumbled as he began cleaning his tears more roughly from his face, using his coats sleeves and hiding his face. Alfred felt so useless....he couldn't even console Arthur. Yao took the pendant and held it in his hand, gazing at the strange flower inside, since they were rare in Spades.

When the spades royals arrived at the castle, Arthur immediately left to his own separate room. Alfred was about to go after Arthur when Yao stopped him. "Give him some time, for Kiku-aru....i believe that Arthur has been greatly affected by the memories. They must be worse than Queen Lily's and Queen Elizavéta -aru" Yao said as he placed the pendant on Alfred's hand. Alfred gazed At the pendant, slightly familiarized by it but he knew he couldn't have known it. The King walked towards the nearest servant,
"Call for Matthew. The Ace of Spades. I need him, immediately. And contact all the Queens." the king ordered, and the servant bowed and nodded as they began rushing into the castle, to look for the Ace, and begin sending messengers out.

Arthur stayed shut in his room, feeling his heart broken. Still feeling the pain of being stabbed by arrows, blades and the fact his heart was broken. He cried silently into his pillow, when Emma appeared.
"Arthur? What's wrong?" She asked him quietly.
"Did you know I had a past life?" Arthur asked
"Past life?! You had one? Really? Tell me about it! Did you marry Alfred as you were suppose to-"
"No. I died, I was stabbed, betrayed, and hurt. I was exiled, I was crushed by the Spades Queen herself." Arthur stated as he began sobbing.
"I-I'm sorry...i didn't know...I am not allowed to know more than a couple days of your future...the only ones who know about the beginning of the cardverse world are The Clock and the Joker Gilbert. Little Peter is still too young to take over as Full fledged joker, although he's been alive for about 3,000 years" Emma informed.
"Peter has been alive for 3,000 years? Why?"
"I'm not sure myself...only mistress Clock and The Joker know"
"Please Emma! I need answers! Why is the Deck back!?" Arthur yelled in frustration
"The deck? Oh....I don't know.....I'm not allowed to know, I'm just your guardian...ready at your disposal" Emma said as she sat on Arthurs shoulder.
"At my disposal? Are you suppose to die?" Arthur asked
"For you....yes....when my time comes of course, the same goes for the other guardian fairies of the Queens" Emma said with a smile, but her heart was sad.
"You can't die, Emma. You're one of my best friends..." Arthur said as he wiped some tears off his face
"I promised to be by your side, until my last days remember? Although I'm not always around, doesn't mean I don't check up on you...I mean I did one time, were busy in bed with Alfred...SOO...." Emma began saying as Arthur got red.
"Y-you saw!?"
"Only a little! I swear to you, I left!" Emma cried out in embarssment. "Oh! You're blushing! It's better than crying" she said sweetly
Arthur hugged the small fairy and laughed, "my heart still is in pain. I am currently remembering some shit that was when Alfred had to reject me infront of the entire noble faction, because his father ordered him to. And he walked towards Natalie...and held her closely, and flirted because he had hurt so much" Arthur said as his tears began welling up in his eyes,
"Don't cry!!! I wish I could hug you properly, but going into human size, exhausts my magic. I could try it though" Emma said as she began concentrating hard,
"Emma, you don't need to"
Emma was full size. Her dress was a mix of green and blue flower petals. Her bossom was a size B or C and she was absolutely beautiful. She hugged Arthur tightly, accidentally placing his face between her breasts. "Don't cry Arthur! It makes me sad to see you like that" she said as Arthur began struggling to get off of her.
"Emma! Emma! Can't breathe" Arthur mumbled as Emma finally let go, noticing she had done something indecent.
"I'm so sorry!!!" She yelled out as her magic wore out and she went back to small size. A chuckle came from a corner of the room.
"Now that...was....something" the joker said as he clapped. Emma was red with embarrassment.
"What do you want?" Arthur asked
"I can't really answer that...." Gilbert said as he got closer to Arthur.
"Why can't you answer my questions!?" Arthur yelled.
"I'm...not allowed to." Gilbert mumbled.
"What's the point of us remembering!? Tell me Joker!" The Brit yelled in further frustration
"I CANT FRICKIN' tells ya! I'm not allowed to." Gilbert answered
"I will once I'm done with what I was ordered to do, Emma. Leave" Gilbert ordered.
"I can't leave Arthur!" Emma yelled
"Our Mistress ordered it. Obey!" Gilbert demanded. Emma quieted down and nodded as she disappeared.
"Why does SHE have so much rule over you all?!"
"Don't ask. Just close your eyes okay?" Gilbert asked, his eyes pleading.
"Dammit! I told you don't ask! Just follow" Gilbert said as he cornered Arthur. Arthur pushed the joker away but Gilbert pinned Arthur to the wall. "Memores" he chanted. A spell of the joker was placed over the Spades Queen,
"S-spell?" Arthur mumbled as the joker stepped back,
"I wished you wouldn't have to remember what happened back then...but orders are orders...and it's the quickest way we have to find Him" the joker said sadly as he disappeared. Arthur fell to the ground, his head beginning to bang with pain. His eyes began closing, and darkness surrounding him....

Mathew arrived to Alfred's side immediately, "yes brother?"
"Call the Joker. He needs to answer questions" Alfred ordered
"He's been lost for a couple weeks, even I can't get a hold on him" Mathew replied
"Shit. Well who can answer our questions!?" Alfred yelled out
"Brother! Calm down. Why are you so mad?"
"Because it frustrates to see Arthur so sad and the stupid spells and enchantments, and I can't even help!" The American yelled out in annoyance, exasperation and frustration
"What happened to Arthur?" A woman asked, Elizavéta Hédérvary with Roderich at her side. Lily was behind them, with basch, then Kiku, Ludwig and Feleciano.
"Arthur....began remembering whatever that means" Alfred said,
"We must get to him, immediately" Kiku said, as Alfred began leading all of them to Arthurs separate room.

Alfred arrived to Arthurs room and had to knock down the door to get into the room. Arthur laid unconscious on the ground but he stood up as if nothing. His eyes had turned a dark Green with a mist to them, like a mystery. Alfred almost stepped close to Arthur when the Brit grabbed the closest weapon he could and swung it at Alfred. Lily raised a shield, closing Arthur on the room. But he kept swinging at the shield.
"I think...he's not Our Arthur anymore" Elizavéta stated
"I can see that!" Alfred yelled out.
The royals gazed at the Brit, who seemed hypnotized. Arthur held his sword towards the shield, and began using spells to convert the sword to be stronger and powerful. The Brit charged at the shield, breaking it with one pierce. Lily back up, scared.
"Arthur! Come back to us!" Alfred yelled
Arthur cocked his head at Alfred and studied him, "and who are you?" The Brit asked as he slowly began walking towards the nearest exit. Elizavéta closed the exit with a fire spell but Arthur touched the fire and set it off with just one touch. He was powerful, and he seemed to be looking for one thing....what was that thing? Who knows?
Arthur made his way to the exit, and began to leave the castle.
"Arthur Kirkland! Where the Fuck are you going!?" Alfred yelled at him. Arthur turned his head to Alfred,
"To find The Deck. I need to see him. He needs to revive Alfred....and my friends" Arthur said as he opened a magic circle under him, a teleportation spell. The Queens couldnt do teleportation without using the majority of their magic. In a matter of seconds, Arthur was gone.
"Find him" Alfred ordered
"We can't!" Elizavéta yelled
"Find him. Goddammit" Arthur ordered, his complete obedience starting to come upon, but Roderich shielded Elizavetas eyes with his back.
Yao, tapped Alfred's shoulder, making Alfred lose concentration.
"Don't be so desperate" Yao spoke, as he pressed a pressure point on Alfred's body, causing him to be paralyzed. "I am having major health problems because of you two, Aiyah! What am I going to do-aru?!" Yao complained
"Alfred, we can't find Arthur. Until he blows something up, or kills someone, or something. Our magic could track him but it wouldn't necessarily could get mixed up with the Alice girl" lily said kindly, shyly and worried.
"I know....thank you..." Alfred mumbled through the paralysis..

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