Ch.13: an escape?

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The room had people inside, lying in types of tubes. Every person was almost unconscience like in coma. A red mist in the air, and some people walked by with masks on. Peter felt an oppressive aura as in a far side of the room was a person with a long samurai sword. A girl, a lot like Kiku Honda. She gave orders back and forth. The room was so dark that the Nordic Knights slipped in easily. Peter held on to berwalds coat, and Berwald grabbed the little jokers hand and lead him through the darkness. As the Nordic Knights gazed at the experiment, they made no noise as they watched. When Sakura began yelling loudly.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT REPLICATE KIKU!?" She yelled as Daniel Hédérvary as she tried to kick him but he grabbed her foot and she twisted away.
"I told you, you're his twin! It can't be done!" Daniel yelled back.
"You are telling me, that if the person has a twin they cannot be duplicated with my magic?!" She yelled less loudly back at him. Daniel sighed loudly and just groaned in annoyance.
"That's the freaking point! Do you think I am wrong?" He asked her quite angry himself. Noah Zwingli, the Diamond Queens gender bender replicate laughed in the darkness. His green eyes mixed with red.
"Shouldn't we go to dinner? I'm pretty hungry. Besides we have replicated at least 150 people today thanks to their DNA. We don't need more. Besides Our King says that without the Queens the military can't be trusted to win a war" Noah said as he began walking towards the exit. Sakura sighed and nodded,
"The Queens are what keep the kingdoms balanced just because of their magic. It's a shame that this castle likes to restrict magic" she said as she walked towards the exit as well. Daniel stayed for a little and looked around, gazing at every person who was in a tube. He stopped at the sight of two younger girls. A Prussian girl with white long hair. She wore a white shirt, short skirt and long boots, beside her was the Austrian girl with a long purple dress and one piece of hair stood up. He lightly touched the tubes and sighed.
"If I could just save you two..." He said as he shook his head and began to walk away. Peter gazed at the Hungarian man quite confused when a notepad appeared before him. He read through the notes quickly and smiled. Lukas began to come out of hiding when Peter stood up.
"Please break those tubes in exactly 5minutes. Rescue the Prussian and Austrian girl. They were replicates of two strange people I know very well." Peter informed as he began heading towards the exit. Mathias began to protest when Lukas only gave him a face that said 'trust him'.
"Exactly what do you want us to do?" Mathias asked
"Save the queens, they are the future of the Kingdoms. I must follow orders too" Peter said as determination was written on his face,
Mathias nodded and sighed, "Tino go with Peter, sve, you too. I'll stay with Lukas. Protect him...he's our new little brother" Mathias said with a smile as he held his long axe in his hand. Peter laughed,
"As if I would be your brother, ya git" he said with a laugh as the the swede and Finnish man began leaving with the small joker.
Mathias slightly sighed, when Lukas began to ask, "who do you think is the Colorless King?" He asked
"An old least" Mathias said as he sat by the tubes of the Austrian and Prussian girl. "Oi! Why do you think they don't have replicas of us? I'd like to see my female version" the Danish man said amused and happy. Lukas back slapped him,
"Then she would beat your ass, women can win by their own accord" Lukas said as he sat by Mathias.

Peter walked up into stairs and tino beat two guards quietly. Peter gazed at the Finnish man confused as to how could such a kind man could be so deadly and mean. As the three went up the stairs, the found a long hallways leading into one room. They entered the room, feeling a huge magical barrier. Peter sighed in exhaustion. "I can't...get through" the little joker said through a painful face. Sve slightly looked at Peter in confusion and worry when they gazed inside the room. Finding the Clubs queen lying there asleep. Tino walked in, he held no powerful magic but he shook the clubs Queen. Awake.
"Queen Hédérvary" he whispered and she slowly opened her eyes, she looked so tired and feverish.
"T-Tino?" She asked. Tino smiled and picked her up. "We came to save you and the other queens" he said with a smile. The clubs queen nodded as Tino held her in his arms.
"She's feverish. I'll take her out of the castle first. Sve save the other ones" Tino said as he began leaving. Peter smiled as he saw the clubs queen.
"She'll survive, she has to because she loves her people" Peter said as they made their way into the dinner room. The Swedish man busted the door and soon three replicates were on him.

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