Ch.18: not the end

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The white flash had decreased and the Queens were exhausted. They all collapsed to the ground. Elizavéta, lily and Kiku were on their knees. Tired, but stood up enough to see if Arthur had survived. Everyone looked at the bodies that had been trapped in the ritual. Arthur was on his knees, his face scratched. His clothes messy and torn apart. Oliver held on to Arthur. Still alive. Arthur was tired. His blade was still in Oliver, but Oliver still wasn't dead. Oliver laughed in pain as he pushed the exhausted Arthur away. The colorless King stood up, limping. Half his flesh on his face was gone. Bone showing, more like a dark deathly skull was showing with black and red mist around him. Arthur clung to dear life, as he crawled back up. The spades Queens flesh was still intact but severely injured. Blood was flowing down his face, and Arthurs eyes were desperately tired. The green shine they had, had diminished into a dark green.
As Arthur crawled back up with pain and agony that anyone could clearly see. Oliver kicked him back down. Oliver was heading towards Alfred.
Alfred began running toward Arthur but Oliver just raised his hand slowly and began opening a magic circle. Intense power ready to come out. Even Ivan who was the closest couldn't stop it. Arthur crawled up to his feet, standing in front of the magic circle that was ready to explode in any moment.
Alfred stopped as he watched his lover raise his arms and shield Alfred.
"Leave him alone!' Arthur yelled at Oliver as Oliver smirked, his half fleshed face gazing insanely with a wide grin at Arthur.
"Arthur....if I can't have you.....THEN NOONE WILL!!" Oliver yelled out as the magic circle began to shoot a beam of laser light at Arthur. Arthurs weak body took the strong magics hit. He should've been dead, yet he stayed standing. Still protecting his dearest love, Alfred.
Oliver's eyes turned wide as he gazed at a half dead Arthur. Arthur was definitely holding on to dear life but there was something different...
Arthur fell to his knees, his eyes got darker, hiding behind his hair. The Brit stood up once more, his body exhausted and his soul holding on to reality.
"I, Arthur Kirkland, swore my loyalty to Spades. To forever love my King and to protect him with my life. To protect the royal family as my own family, and to be its Queen. As the clock bestowed upon me such magic, I now release it. The true power of a Spades Queen that has dwelled in the past Queens. So, now I ask the blessing of The Clock to release the magic and destroy the defilement I see before me. " Arthur said as his surrounding became a bright blue. Spadish signs appearing around him, and turning into his crest. His crest, on his neck shined bright and his green eyes turned blue. Magic circles began opening around Oliver and all started shooting beams and chains at him.
"Take him to the underworld where demons dwell." Arthur ordered as he crawled back up to his feet. His orders were absolute. The blue chains of magic began opening and pulling him into the ground. Oliver began screaming. His screams sounded that of a wild animal that was trapped and afraid for its life.
As Oliver's body began being sucked into the ground, Arthur collapsed to the ground. His breathing was shallow. Almost gone. His body was losing so much blood. One of his eyes was scratched badly and blood flowed out of his head and the side of his body. Alfred ran to his queen, picking him up.
"Arthur? Arthur? C'mon wake up, dude-" Alfred began saying but Arthur did not open his eyes.
Kiku stood up from the ground, and ran to Arthurs side. Ripping off his sleeve cloth, he started tying the wounds around Arthurs head. "Mr. Alfred, we need to move him to a safer location where I can treat him-" Kiku began saying but he stopped. His head was dizzy and his body was exhausted form his own magic. Ludwig reacted quickly to His Queen and picked Kiku up. Kiku's face got warmer, he was suffering from a fever.
Alfred picked Arthur up, and began running to the nearest horse to take his Queen to the nearest safe zone. Lily and Elizavéta had stayed awake enough to witness Arthurs victory but they themselves were taking a great toll on their bodies from the loss of strength and magic during the war.
In the camp were many men injured, and so many healers were working their best to heal the wounded soldiers. The Queens were all in different tents. Each one was in a minor coma. Lily awoke after 2 days and one night of rest, after her was Kiku and Elizavéta who awoke around the same time. 3 days had passed and Arthur still wasn't awake. Alfred stayed with Arthur, even when they all had to be transferred to the nearest kingdom. Ivans kingdom. Clubs.
Arthur had slept for a week, when he finally opened his eyes. Alfred had been waiting so long to see his beloved awake.
"H-hey! Dude! Arthur! Are you okay?"'Alfred asked Arthur. Arthur looked around the room confused and looked at Alfred confused.
"W-who are you?" Arthur asked
Alfred's happy face went away. "A-Arthur....its me, Alfred. You're-" he began saying but Yao only held him back.
"Let's not confuse him-aru" Yao said sadly but Arthur smiled
"My memories are Why did I-never mind it's probably nothing" Arthur began saying but Alfred hugged him. "What? Get off-Alfred?-"
"Arthur you can be so cruel...not remembering me, and not caring for your life."
"What are you talking about? Am I Arthur?" Arthur asked confused when Alfred started crying.
"It's nothing man...really, I'll leave you alone" Alfred said as he began walking out of the room with Yao. Yao slightly bowed at Arthur and smiled but h eyes were sad. Arthur felt his heart ache as he saw this. A joker appeared after the other two Spadish royals left.
"Never thought you'd make it alive" Gilbert said with a smile,
"Who are you?"
"Oh...yeah...your memory loss....give me a sec-" the joker said as he started going through his pockets taking out a clock. "Here's a present from me, from the Clock itself. It'll help with your memory loss. Hopefully you remember how awesome I am" Gilbert said with a smile.
"The clock? What is that?" Arthur asked
"Look at your present. Open it, read the note it has and you will see" Gilbert warned as he disappeared.
"W-wait! Shit..he's gone."
Arthur opened the small clock that held a note.
'Dearest Arthur,
Perhaps you and I have never truly met but I have had the pleasure to give you the power of a Queen. I bestow upon you your memories which I have had to go through a lot to give back to you. Thank you for protecting this world, from a mistake that had happened a long time ago. Anyways I just wanted to say, thank you. When you open the clock and gaze into its magic force, you will receive your memories. This clock will disappear once you have retrieved your memories. It has been my pleasure to meet you just this once, even if it's through a clock and time.
As Arthur read the note, he looked at the clock. Inside the time whirled around, and the magic began to suck him in. Taking him somewhere else. As he looked into the clock, he seemed to be transported somewhere else. As he remembered the times he had been with Alfred, from the kind kisses they had shared to the hot passionate nights. His time as a hostage, his friendship with the Queens. His time in war and his combat with Oliver. Arthur saw and remembered all this, even the magic he had consumed during the old Queens ritual and the last spell he used that sent Oliver to hell. Arthur looked around when he saw a woman with white hair, blue eyes. A green necklace, a red dress, yellow earnings. Her dress had all the crests on it, engraved in their original colors but they mixed in with a clocks pattern. She gazed at Arthur and smiled, extending her hand towards him,
"Thank you, for protecting my beautiful world and creation" she said as her image diminished and Arthur came back to reality. The Brit was astounded by the images, and memories and even the sight of the Clock herself.
"Alfred!! Alfred!!" Arthur yelled out as he stood up from bed, ignoring the pain from his entire body.
Alfred ran through the hallway to get to Arthur when Arthur hugged him tightly. "I love you, so much!"
"Eh?! Arthur? Is this you? Really?"
"Yes, you damn idiot! It's me!"
"Arthur!! I missed you! I love you too" Alfred exclaimed with happiness as he kissed his Queens lips. Before they knew it, all the royals had ran to the same hallway that both Alfred and Arthur had started kissing in.
"Mon Cher! You are so outstanding!" Francis complimented.
"You two are so cute!" Elizavéta squealed as Roderich walked to her side. His arms were covered in bandages, but he smiled kindly.
Arthur removed himself from Alfred and blushed in embarssment. "Shut up frog face!"
"I'm happy to see you safe" lily politely said as she smiled. Basch nodded in agreement,
"Mr. Arthur, it is nice to see you well" Kiku commented
"Mm hmm" Ludwig agreed
"Arthur! Ve~"
"Arthur, it's nice to see you alive" Ivan said
"Mr. Arthur! You're well!" Yao said happily as he held a cup of tea for Arthur.
Arthur smiled as he was hugged tightly by all of the royals at once.
"Guys! I'm in pain- don't squeeze me so-Francis! Don't touch me there! Bloody frog face" Arthur yelled out as he felt happy to see all his friends and family.

The clock watched from afar as she saw her favorite Queen be adored by his friends. Gilbert walked by her, "are you sure he will be alright?"
"For now...yes. So long as the creator of Oliver does not awake. Did you do as I asked you?" She asked the joker
"As you commanded. I enforced the spell on his slumber but his strength may awaken soon. I still don't understand why Arthur had to reincarnate. Out of all times why now? They all reincarnated. Why is history happening once more?" Gilbert asked the clock. She smiled and sighed.
"I'm not so sure myself, although they were my creation...." She said as she began to walk away back into her own world. Gilbert Chuckled at the sight of the Clocks own confusion. The joker gazed upon the Royals and smiled.
"It's nice to see you all once again" he mumbled as he started disappearing back into his own world.
This is the true end, where things started with a mistake in clubs but a happy ending with spades.
((Note: this really isn't the end))

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