Ch.10: Problems

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After their honey moon both Alfred and Arthur were far more happier than ever with each other but when they arrived back at the castle they found it with slight political chaos.
Yao ran from one group of people to Knights and parliament members. Arthur walked into the room with Alfred at his side. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HAPPENING?!" the Brit yelled at the top of his lungs.
Everyone stopped and looked at him.
"Your majesty we have-"
"You majesty there are problems-"
"My queen the threat-"
"My king the trade-"
They all began complaining at the same time.
Alfred began glowing with a slight bit of blue around him when his blue eyes got darker and the mark of spades in them. His power of complete obedience showed itself. "I order you all to calm down and talk one by one." Alfred commanded. The people shutted up and their eyes had been hypnotized with Alfred's power. They re-arranged themselves in a nice line and began complaining.
"The trade has been disturbed by people who say they are part of the "colorless kingdom" a merchant spoke.
"The Knights have had a hard time quelling the rebellion" a commander replied under the hypnosis.
"The clubs King wants to talk to the Queen of Spades over Princess Natalya" an aristocrat said with a bow.
"There has been an attack on our northern borders from the diamonds kingdom. But we are sure they were from the colorless kingdom, because King Francis of Diamonds said he never ordered an attack." Another aristocrat said.
"We need to call upon either war with our new enemies or alliance against the kingdoms" a parliament member said.
Arthur looked at all the people under Alfred's hypnosis. "Alfred, dear, you can stop" Arthur asked him. Alfred only nodded and his power was gone. Yao stood there quite impressed at the King. When Mathew, Alfred's brother walked in.
"Arthur....the Joker must speak with you as well as the Queens" he said as he retreated back.
"That's odd? I never heard the Queens were here-aru" Yao the Jack said.
"Mathew never acts like that" Alfred said with a hint of suspicion. Arthur only sighed,
"Don't worry love, I'm sure it's something important. I'll see you at lunch" he said as he walked towards where Mathew was.

Arthur walked into a room full of roses of every color, it was a rare sight indeed. No kingdom had roses of every color. "Hello? Gilbert? Little brat?" He called out. Emma flew towards him and she smiled kindly.
"Hi Arthur! It's been so long since we last talked! I missed you! But well....I've had problems with the other realms as your guardian fairy"
"What do you mean?" Arthur asked her. Emma only sighed and began flying deeper into a rose garden. Arthur followed when he saw the Queens sitting there, Mathew at their side serving them tea and Gilbert just floating in mid air. Fairies were sitting in rose petals but only 3 other fairies sat with the Queens.
"Is this a fairy counsel meeting or a Queens meeting?" He asked politely
Mathew pulled a chair and helped Arthur sit down.
Elizavéta gazed at Arthur and back at the other queens when she finally spoke. "This is actually a meeting for both. Our kingdoms are being assaulted by the same person." She informed
"Ze same person who calls himself ze colorless king" Kiku said with his accent showing more than ever.
"My kingdom is ready for war, but others do not want war" lily said her eyes gazing at her teacup.
"Why is Mathew here?" Arthur asked.
"Because of the awesome me! Duh!" Gilbert said with great enthusiasm.
"A-actually....I just know him from childhood. I was the only one who could see him since Alfred couldn't." Mathew said shyly.
A fairy who sat at Elizavéta 's side began talking.
"If Emma could do her job correctly we could avoid this inevitable war!" She said with great bossiness in her voice. The fairy wore green mixed with a white.
"This was is inevitable! Arthur has no responsibility when it came to the war" Emma yelled back. Lilly's fairy began getting into the argument. She was absolutely stubborn and mean, different from lily.
"Emma is right. Arthur was destined to be Queen of Spades. And the colorless King was always suppose to arise at some point. But then again! If your Queen Elizavéta could just maintain her cool when that rebellion came up in her kingdom" Lilly's fairy yelled.
"Could we all just calm down?" Kiku's little fairy mumbled, she had pink eyes with curled black hair and she wore a long gown with red rose petals on them.
"Shut it! If only Kiku could demonstrate power with his military don't you think this problem would not exist!? If we could've stomped the enemy down?" Elizavéta 's fairy yelled.
All the Queens gazed at their fairy guardians and laughed. "Why are you laughing?" They asked in unison. Elizavéta cleaned a tear from her eye. "You're so cute when you argue"
Gilbert laughed and nodded. The fairies began blushing in embarrassment.
"So. Back to business. What are we going to do?" Kiku asked. They looked at Gilbert when he realized that they expected him to answer the question.
"I'm only here to listen and 'give advice' I'm not here to give you the answers" he informed.
"We should start with telling each other what happened to each other's kingdoms" lily offered.
"My kingdom has gotten attacks form spades and hearts according to my merchants" Elizavéta said as she sipped tea.
"My kingdom has gotten attacks from clubs and spades" lily said as she gazed at Arthur.
"Mines has gotten attacked by clubs and diamonds" Arthur replied
"Hearts has gotten attacked by clubs and spades" Kiku said.
"So mostly clubs and spades...that tells us that our enemy sees that spades and clubs are the ones who will start the war" Elizavéta said with an intrigued face.
"So how do we fool the enemy with declaration of war?" Arthur asked the Clubs Queen.
"We do nothing. We act like these were accidents, the enemy will want attention and begin attacking again in..about...3days" Elizavéta replied.
Kiku sighed and looked at lily, "and our kingdoms?"
"I will persuade my Knights to keep peace, I will also go out more to talk more to my people" lily said with a kind tone, "this will help my people stay calm"
Kiku hesitated, "i will hold festivals at my place....this may cheer people up instead of keeping them cranky"
Gilbert only sighed, "beware of attracting to much attention for the enemy will wants more" he said as a warning.
"And that is what we want" Arthur replied. Mathew smiled kindly,
"this calls a meeting with the Aces too. From all kingdoms, I'm an Ace for my brother..." Mathew said with a smile.
"My ace is a bit quiet but she's kind" Kiku said
"My ace is best friends with the King" lily replied
"Mines are currently in Spades but I trust him. Besides my current Ace is in my own kingdom but he's their younger brother." Elizavéta said as she looked at Arthur.
"Your ace is in my kingdom!?" Arthur asked shocked
"Yes...he's a knight of yours. He's very kind and so is his sister. He was born in Netherlands and she was born in Belgium. He's my Ace but so is his younger brother, their sister is my personal spy" she said with a smile
"I know them....they gave me a warm welcome. Why are they in my kingdom!?" Arthur asked
" was a way for me to know if you and Natalya were okay" she said with a normal tone.
"You were spying on me!?" Arthur asked again
"Nope. I was just keeping in touch" she said innocently
"It's called spying. But that's okay, at least you didn't have anything bad planned for me"
"If I did, I would've done it with my own hands, but I'm not as cruel as my own King" she said as she stood up from the table.
"Well our business is settled, thank you for coming" Kiku said with a bow, lily bowed down lightly. Elizavéta bowed to, and Arthur as well.
Before they left through different directions Arthur stopped. "What is this place?" He asked.
Gilbert smirked, "an area made for the Queens but also for who ever i want to let in. Like Mathew, he's alright, so I let him in"
"Alrighty, cheerio!" Arthur said as he walked with Mathew back to his kingdom.

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